Nine Days of Heaven
I remember the first time I saw you,
The stranger I loved with all my heart,
And I knew that I would always know you
No matter where or when we meet.
Your eyes spoke to me
Of lifetimes of love shared
And I knew we had both come home.
Nine perfect days
Of love within your arms
As my heart nestled close to yours.
Our minds and bodies met
And were as one
In the soft warmth
Of our ageless love.
And today you left me,
But not forever.
Time is meaningless,
For all eternity is ours
Within which to love.
And in my heart I carry your smile,
The twinkle in your eyes,
The caress of your fingertips,
Your sweet laughter,
The wonderful taste of you,
All your silly moments
And your words of love.
You are always with me
And I shall ever be grateful to the gods above
For giving me these nine days of heaven...
(c) An anonymous reader 1997
The Essence of Lifelong Friendship
A lifelong friend is one who enters your life
at a time when they are needed most.
Though you may not understand it,
there will be an instant bonding between you
and a realization that this person was brought to you,
not only to fill an emptiness or assist you in time of need,
but to form an eternal friendship.
A lifelong friend is a friend who knows you like no other,
who is so much a part of you
that distance does not cause separation.
They will hurt when you hurt,
and feel joy when you are joyous.
They know your imperfections
and they accept them as a part of you.
Though they may not agree with your decisions,
they will support you completely in everything you do.
They respect you and your right to make
your life what you want it to be.
When all the others have come and gone,
this friend will be with you;
even if your world falls apart,
they will be there to build it back up
better and stronger than before.
This is the essence of lifelong friendship.
-Lisa VanEllen
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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