<BGSOUND SRC="Ibelievethereareangels.mid" loop="infinite">

~*Angels Among Us*~

I created this page to say thank you to the people who have become my friends, and for new friends I hope to meet in my journey. I have been blessed to find such wonderful friends on the web. Kind, caring people with heart and soul. I didn't realize when I first started out that I would get to know and love so many people whom I've never met face to face. It is incredible how one can feel the depth of personality, and to discern tears, pain and sorrow, amusement and laughter in the way people breathe life into their home on the web. *There are Angels among us*.

It is with pleasure that I display some Gifts from my friends, and some (Unsolicited) Awards.

Awards & Gifts

Teman sent me my very first Award when my pages first came online. It was such a surprise at the time and I was so thrilled to think anyone would do that. Thank You Teman 1999

Presented to Flo from JB with love. Thank You Jill 1999

Thank You for this Award Ginny, and especially for your Friendship. April 2000
Please click on Angel Globe to see Ginny's Wonderful Home.~*One Mother's Treasure*~

Thank You so much Mary, for this award for my "Song Bird Page" June 12, 2000. Click on the Award to visit ~*The Pool Of Tranquility*~

Thank you Sunshine for giving me this Award. June 18 2000 Click on the Award to visit ~Sunshine's Home~

Thank you *Flo* for this surprise in my email July 7 2000. Please click on the Award to visit ~Flo's Home~

Thank you ~*Anna*~ for the two beautiful Awards you gave to me August 3 2000. Please click on the awards to visit Anna's site

Thank You so very much Ginny, for this Gift of Friendship.

Thank you Ginny for this wonderful *S* *Tasty Friendship Cookie* May 10, 2000

Thank you Jill, for the lovely *Mother's Day Heart Cookie* May 10, 2000

Thank You D.B.K. for this gift of friendship. Click on picture to visit Eddie's home

Shirley left this lovely unique ~Globe~ in my guestbook August 7 2000.

Ginny, My wonderful friend made this gift for me and gave it to me, August 9 2000. Please click on the gift and visit ~*One Mother's Treasure*~.

Thank you so much Jill for this lovely gift on August 28 2000. Please click on the Book to visit ~Jill's Home~.

Thank You for this Candle, Sweet Ginny ~ October 6-2000

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It is never my intention to infringe on anyone's copyright materials. Some Graphics are from the Public Domain and my software program. The others are credited

Angel Graphic

Email Me~Flo~

Created © ~Flo~ April 02, 2000---updated May6,2006