Member Points
Points Key
Each member starts out with 20 points, which they earn for joining. Please note that these offices are just for fun. You don't have to do any work if you don't want to, but certain offices are reserved for volunteers who plan on doing the work required. If you decide to play along, you earn more points everytime you participate. Here is the list of the offices you can acheive by earning more points:
- 20 - Junior Website Marketer: This is the office that every member starts out in. Everytime you get another member for the club, you earn more points, so please tell people about the site.
- 30 - Senior Website Marketer: Basically the same as the first office. Just tell people about the site and earn more points.
- 45 - Scout: People in this office can scout for picture, articles, etc. that aren't already on the site and everytime you send me something new, you will earn more points.
- 60 - Goof Patrol: Everytime you see a mistake on the show or someone screwing up their lines, email it to me.
- 75 - Trivia Queen: Send me trivia and poll questions to earn more points.
- 100 - Fashion Police: Tell me what you think about what anyone on OLTL is wearing, especially Skye (good or bad).
- 135 - Critic: Criticize anything on OLTL.
- 175 - Columnist: Write a column for the newsletter.
- 200 - Junior Humorist: Write top ten lists and one liners from OLTL.
- 225 - Senior Humorist: Send me jokes about the citizens of Llanview.
- 250 - Song Specialist: Find songs involving Skye.
- 275 - Conference Supervisor: Supervise a members only chat.
- 300 - Relationship Councelor: Tell us what you think about the romance on OLTL. Get extra points if it involves Skye.
- 325 - Character therapist: Think someone on OLTL is in need of therapy. Tell us what you'd do for them.
- 350 - Copy Editor: Tell me if you see any broken links or mistakes on the site. You can earn points for that too.
If the need arises I will create more offices. Remember, these are just for fun!
If you'd like to talk to me about being a real officer in the club, email me!
Earning Points
Here's how else to earn points and the number of points you will earn:
- recruit new member: 3
- answer trivia correctly: 5
- answer poll question: 2
- send in trivia or poll question: 2
- send in articles or pics: 10
- write column: 15
- write top 10 or joke: 10
- come to chat: 5
- supervise chat: 15 (I will pick someone ahead of time)
- post to message board: 2
- write respectful letter of Robin or TPTB: 15
- write fan fic (per chapter): 15
- send me link: 2
- email me suggestion or comment about site or club: 2