People In Need - help them if you can

This is a page for more people to realize the seriousness of war and it's result to the countries involved. The war leads them to no where but refuge, famine, dieseases, and eventually death. So if any of you who can help them, please do so beacause every little bit counts. Thanks.

Countries in Need

These countries are devasted due to post-war. Their lives are in danger and they need to live. Millions had become refugees and lived their day looking for food in trash. Therefore, many had died, while others become malnutritioned. GOAL had been helping these countries by sending volunteers and professionals to provide them with a better living environment.
You can visit them at :

They really need your help.

Children in Need: Right Here in our own Backyard

In the 1990s children in the United States have faced worsening poverty in staggering numbers:
Facts extracted from

Link to Save the Chidren Web Site

People in need: Victims of the Kosovo war

Started in the 1999, the war had took away lives of numerous victims. Take a look at how you can help at :

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