Endorphin Bath & Todd E. Jones presents...
Andrew Burnett's
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(Here's what Andrew Burnett has to say about making the videos, "Let's Make Some Plans" and "Nature Thing"... also he talks about the woman in the "Nature Thing" video..)

"'Fraid i'll need to get in touch with Stewart and perhaps together we could jogg memories regarding the ins and outs and whatevers on the vid's.
What i do know is that the lady in question is Margaret - or "Mags" for short. She is a glamourous  hairdresser from Paisley who very nearly tilted fame and fortune in our direction. However, the story behind it is on the mundane side. Bob was engaged in working in his historic capacity of
electrician and couldn't make the shoot.  Lets make some plans was also a Pailsey shoot. The director escapes me but he was very good and i think
went on to greater things. I'll ask stewart he has an good elephant memory. The only sure thing i remember about lets make some plans was that i was  indeed loaded the night before this one. If fact as it was a sunday morning i think its a safe bet to suggest that we were all scooped in fine west of scotland tradition. Big news is that he (Stewart) is now a daddy with a
young fellar 'Charlie' set to follow in his footsteps/ drumsticks.
I'll be in touch with more details.
best regards."
- Andrew

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