Hello, I'm Leo, and yes my Mom thinks I have a
little bit of lion in me. I came to live with her
when she was so sad about my big sister Mia going to
Rainbows Bridge. She wasn't sure if she could love
another kitty, but I convinced her real quick. I just
jumped on her shoulder and settled down for a big
purr. Then I kissed her a little and it was all over.
I was just a tiny little orange fluffball when I came
here, as you can see. Because of all my Mom's good
care, I am growing up to be a big healthy cat. I
still have aways to go, cause I am barely 6 months
old. I don't fit on Moms shoulder as well as I used
to. Now I sleep on her lap. Plenty of room there! I
was a happy only kitty, but Mom thought we had enough
love to go around, so Sabrina came to live with us.
Shes the black cat in the last picture of me. I like
her a lot, but she's not so sure about me. I love to
bite her tail, and jump on her and play. Sometimes
she gets pretty upset with me, because she is 3 years
old and doesn't want to play as much as I do.
Sometimes I think she might like me a little, but
she's keeping it to herself for now. I bet I can win
her over soon!
Don't I look cute in my fire kitty hat? Mom just had to include this new pic!
ANNOUNCING.....I have a wink-wink. Her name is Bonique, and you can see our special pageHere
I also have a new brofur, who you can meet soon, when Mom gets her pictures developed. His name is Sebastian.
Thanks Cosmo, we are pretty cool, aren't we?
Thanks Flora and Sweeney. I just love to be
appreciated for my superior orangeness
Sabrina and I have made friends
with this cool
and dog.
Purrs to Maxie, Diarmid, Alexander and Mom
We are sad to say that Maxie has gone to join our big sister Mia at Rainbows Bridge. There is another shining star in heaven now.
My sister Sabrina has her own page, go to the next kitty to see it, if you really care. She is not orange like me..
If you want to see more pictures of ME (and my sister),
just click right HERE