1997 Majus 18.-an a Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Vegyeszmernoki karanak dekanhelyettese
letiltatta a ( gepen levo hompedzsemet
( Ez az intezkedes mindenfajta elozetes ,
vagy utolagos tajekoztatas nelkul tortent . A hozzam informalis uton eljutott
indoklas szrint ez azert kovetkezett be mert azon "tul agressziv , kozbiztonsagra
veszelyes , a hatalyos torvenyek megsertesere buzdito , es a karra rossz fenyt
veto " anyagok voltak talalhatoak .
Az en hompedzsemen kivul letiltottak meg egy hasonlo tartalmu site-ot is
(.../~holvay) , ugyanigy , mindenfajta tajekoztatas nelkul .
Velemenyem szerint ezek a lepesek minden alapot
nelkuloztek , onkenyesek ,
es sulyosan sertik a szolasszabadsag alkotmanyban lefektetett elveit.
On 18th of May 1997 the deputy Dean of Faculty of Chemical Engineering
at Technical University of Budapest banned my homepage (
~gvass) from the ( server. He took this order
without informing me about what he intend to do. It didn`t happen after it , yet.
I got some information from informal way what was the reason of this : "the page
was too agressive , dangerous to public safety , it stimulated to avoid
gun laws , it gives the impression that the Faculty teaches terrorists ".
Another page(.../~holvay) was also banned , `cose there was similar material
as on my one.
I think that , these prohibitions are unjustified , dictatoric and infringed
the constitutional basic principles of free speech .