Military Page

SF Eyes
"Ballad of the Green Beret"
Welcome to my Military Page, I entered the U.S. Army in 1977 at Fort Gordon, Ga, where I attended Basic Training and AIT (Mutichannel Communication Equipment Operator). After basic/ait I was station at Fort Bragg, NC with the 82nd Airborne, while at Fort Bragg I went to Airborne/Ranger/AirAssault Jungle Expert/82nd & 101 Recon schools.  In 1979 I went to Korea (Co B, 304th Signal Bn).  While in Korea I attended the ROK Rock Ranger Course.  In 1980 I returned to Fort Bragg, NC and attended the Special Forces Course (18D). In late 1980 I was picked to go to Washington D.C. for President Reagan/George Bush inauguration. I served with the 561st Military Police Co (later MDW MP Co). During this time I attend the FBI 11 week school, FBI SWAT  school. Park Police SWAT school. Secret Service VIP Protection School. 1984 I was station with the 25th Military Police Co.  (Hawaii).  I  instructed Light Fighter I & II course also Rappel Master Training Course. 1987.  I returned to Fort McCleallan, AL to be a Drill Sergeant with the Military Police (787th MP BN).  I ETS in 1991 to be with my son.
 Bruce Dress Blues Bruce & Toby
This picture on the left was taken in Washington, DC, while in the 561st Military Police Company.  The one on the right is my Bomb/Patrol Dog in Hawaii (Toby)
Air Assault Mission Helo Jump into water
The picture on the left is an Air Assault mission in Panama, here the squad is deployed in the swamp to cover for the company.  The picture on the right is a Special Forces mission the CH47 is about 20' off the water and you jump out.
Jump C130 Jump
The picture on the left is a jump out of a C130, 64 jumpers exit both sides of the aircraftin a span of 20 seconds.   The picture of the right is a special forces jump in Panama.  The picture below is me jumpmastering on a C130.  I am looking for the Drop Zone and checking for other aircraft in formation. This is a pure high....
   Bruce Jumpmaster
Jump over Desert
This picture was taken on a Special Forces jump in Desert Storm.
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