
Did you hear the sad news today?
Another veteran warrior has passed away.
Called by the Supreme Commander over all.
Today he has made his final roll call.

Come fellow vets; let us reverently bow and pray
For our valiant comrade, who has fallen this day.
We'll drape his casket with a banner of beautiful hues,
Those glorious American colors: red, white and blue.

That star spangled banner he gallantly fought to defend,
Unyielding and undaunted, he fought to win.
He fought bravely and he passed the battle test.
Now the Supreme Commander grants him, "eternal rest".

With dignity and honor, we'll commit his body to the ground,
The bugler will sound "Taps" and we'll fire the volley rounds.
The final military honors we'll render somberly and ever so sadly;
"Old Glory" we'll solemnly precisely fold and reverently give to his family.

Each Memorial Day we will recall our fallen comrade names,
And attest that their selfless sacrifices were not in vain;
For this lasting legacy they gave to all generations;
"It's honorable to respect our flag and to defend our great nation."

So close ranks aging warriors, for our ranks are thinning.
We must keep on fighting and keep on winning.
With pride and honor we'll march and stand tall,
And we'll proudly - proudly - salute "Old Glory"
'til we too make our final roll call.

Commercial use of this poem in any form is strictly prohibited
without prior coordination and consent of the author.

This Document Copyright © Pending
All Rights Reserved on FINAL ROLL CALL
"Final Roll Call"

Song: "God Bless the USA"

Sat, 13 Nov 1999

Dear Laura,

I am a 66 year old, ex-F-86 fighter pilot
and your beautiful, thought provoking web page
reduced me to tears.

Thank you ever so much for your kind and gentle touch.

I greatly appreciate what you are doing for our veterans.

I in-turn would like to share this poem,
which I have written,
with you and our many forgotten veterans.

Thank GOD for all the sacrifices they made for the people of this great land.

Please share it on a non-commercial basis with all our heroic veterans.

Sincerest and warmest regards,

Carroll Michaud
7046 Greenwood Road
Shreveport, LA. 71119

for your military service, friendship and this very beautiful poem.
*hug* Laura

Note: VFW, American Legion, POW/MIA and other nationally
registered veteran and patriotic organizations, including
military associations, are herein granted permission to use and publish this poem
in their newsletters, bulletins, ceremonial programs, etc.
on condition that they mail a hardcopy of the same
to the author for inclusion in his "scrap book".

This webpage created February 14, 2000

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