The Concepts - The Future - Learning From The Past

"The future is not the son of Desert Storm, but the stepchild of Somalia and Chechnya."

General Charles Krulak - 31st Commandant - United States Marine Corps

"They are . . . the post-modern equivalent of jungles and mountains - citadels of the dispossessed and irreconcilable. A military unprepared for urban operations across a broad spectrum is unprepared for tomorrow."

LtCol. Ralph Peters

The Marine Corps' approach to examining and solving MOUT issues can be found at the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab's Homepage.

Also visit the Marine Corps Combat Development Command's (MCCDC) Concepts Division for a look at the Marine Corps' view on future warfare and military operations. Current concept papers include:

Concept Paper for Future Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain
A Concept for Anti-armor Operations and the Joint Concept for Nonlethal Weapons

Requirements and progress on the joint effort underway to better equip our Soldiers and Marines for urban combat can be found at the MOUT Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) web site.

To explore MOUT operational, functional and current capabilities; as well as the technology plan to support operational needs, visit the Defense Technical Information Center's (DTIC) Joint Warfighter S&T Plan for MOUT.

A potentially significant capability in future MOUT is the employment of Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW). For the latest on NLW technologies visit the Department of Defense (DOD) Joint Non-Lethal Weapon Program web site. The Commandant of the Marine Corps is the DOD Executive Agent for this program.

The Future of Urban Operations - The Cities Become the Concrete Jungles:

Anticipating the Nature of the Next Conflict (EmergencyNet News)
Aerospace Operations in Urban Environments: Exploring New Concepts (Rand - PDF)
Air Force Conference Highlights Urban Operations (Air Force News - April 1999)
Fire in the City: Airpower in Urban Smaller-Scale Contingencies
U.S. Military Not Ready for Urban Warfare as Seen in Chechnya (Russia Today)
Thinking About Cities and War (Williamson Murrray - Marine Corps Gazette)
Mars Unmasked: The Changing Face of Urban Operations (Sean Edwards - Rand)
Putting Urban Warfare in Strategic Context (William Hawkins -
Medical Implications of Combat in Cities
Urban Warrior in Oakland: Training for Wars of the 21st Century (Z Magazine - older "biased" article on the UW AWE - authors either missed the point - or chose to do so - on why we conduct urban training and experimentation)
Engineers - Army After Next - And Military Operations in Urban Terrain - (Engineer Bulletin)
Crowds, Mobs and Nonlethal Weapons (Military Review)
The Art of Darkness: Deception and Urban Operations (Scott Gerwehr and Russell Glenn - Rand)
The Human Terrain of Urban Operations (Ralph Peters - Parameters)
Training Marines for War in the City - Drills in Simulated Urban Zones Underscore Need for New Equipment (John Stanton - NDIA)
U.S. Army's Combined Arms MOUT Task Force (Doctrine and training update)
Si Vis Pacem, Para Pacem: Training for Humanitarian Emergencies (Military Review)
The Face of Battle in the Era of Asymmetric, New and Emerging Threats (FMSO)
The Thin Red Subway Line - Future Urban Warfare (Metropolis)
Patrolling the Empire: Mapping, Imagery and National Security (NIMA related article)
Urban Warfare: Options, Problems and the Future (MIT Conference Summary)
Urban Combat: Confronting the Specter (Lester Grau and Jacob Kipp - FMSO)
The Network Soldier: Downtown - The New Battlefield (Sweden)
Insurgency in the Contemporary World: Some Theoretical Aspects (Major General Ashok Krishna - India)
Time to Get Serious About Urban Warfare Training (Colonel Thomas Hammes - Marine Corps Gazette)
Urban Warrior - A View from North Vietnam (LtCol Robert Lamont - Marine Corps Gazette)
The Case For Joint MOUT Doctrine (Major Mark Sumner - MCCDC)
The Urban Awareness Concept (Lieutenant Colonel Fritz Barth - MCWL)
Leathernecks in Lab Coats (National Journal - Urban Warrior - urban operations)
An Urban Analysis Center for the 21st Century (Captain Charles Black - USMC)
Urban Analysis - A Need at All Levels of Operation and Command
"...We Band of Brothers" - The Call for Urban Operations Doctrine (Dr. Russ Glenn - Rand)
Urban Warfare and the Urban Warfighter of 2025 (Parameters)
It's a Dirty Business - But Somebody Has To Do It (George Mordica - CALL)
The Strategic Corporal: Leadership in the Three Block War (Marines Magazine)
Point Man for a Revolution: Can the Marines Survive a Shift from Platoons to Networks (Washington Post)
Light/Attack Helicopter Operations in the Three Block War (Marine Corps Gazette)
Urban Evasion - A Necessary Component of Urban Operations (JSSA)
Armor and MOUT (Armor).
Operations in Urban Environments (Military Review)
Inner-City Violence: U.S. Military Tries to Prepare for Urban Warfare (Scientific American)
NDIA SO/LIC Symposium (Briefs - PDF)
Military Operations: Impact of Operations Other Than War on the Services Varies (GAO - PDF)
Military Readiness: Full Training Benefits From Army's Combat Training Centers are not Being Realized (GAO - PDF)
Final Report of the Operational Maneuver From The Sea Working Group (OMFTS)
Operational Maneuver From The Sea (OMFTS): Operation Greenhouse (AWS CYR 99 OMFTS Study Group - MOUT scenario).
Heavy Peace (Parameters)
War in the Urban Jungle (Air Force Magazine)
Experts Say DOD is Beginning to Take Urban Operations More Seriously (Inside the Pentagon)
U.S. Army Engineer MOUT Homepage
STINET Search Results for "MOUT" (Purchase DTIC MOUT studies and other documents)
Jacket Flack - Hollywood Retains Rights - More Important than our Urban Warrior's Lives (Wall Street Journal - MOUT Homepage Comment)
Marching Under Darkening Skies: The American Military and the Impending Urban Operations Threat (Dr. Russ Glenn - Rand -PDF)
Overkill: Obsession With Expensive Weapons (
Ready for What? - Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War vs. The Oracles in the Cave (
Urban Warfare: The Future - Yes or No? (Washington Times Letters to the Editor Debate)
Urban Renewal - Military Style (Intellectual - article - reader's comments)
The Future of the Urban Warrior (Free - article - reader's comments)
Handfuls of Heroes on Desperate Ventures: When Do Special Operations Succeed? (Parameters)
The Real "A" Team (U.S. SOF - Foreign Affairs Journal)
A Matter of Strategic Focus (General Krulak, Airpower Journal)
The Big Three: Our Greatest Security Risks and How to Address Them (NDU)
Jane's Defence Weekly Interview with LtGen John Rhodes - CG, MCCDC (Urban Warrior - Urban Warfare)
Military Operations: Status of DOD's Efforts to Develop Future Warfighting Capability (GAO report - PDF)
U.S. Forces: Many Roles in the 21st Century (FMSO)
Chinese Unrestricted Warfare (PLA Senior Colonels Qia Liang and Wang Xiangsui)
Thinking About Small Wars (Parameters)
Canadian Security Intelligence Service - 1998 Public Report (Threat Environment)
The United States Marine Corps: Lessons for the ADF (Australia)
The Changing Security Environment (Military Review)
The World in 2020 (National Defense Panel)
The New Warfare - Ethnic Conflict (Military Review)
Enemy After Next (Military Review)
Will We Be Able to Take the Cities? (Ralph Peters)
Combat in Hell: Considerations of Constrained Urban Warfare (Rand Abstract - Order Form)
Combat in Cities (Rand)
Keeping Marines Out of the Danger Zone (Federal Computer Week)
Our Soldiers, Their Cities (Parameters - Ralph Peters)
Latin America: A Booming Strategic Region in Need for an Honest Introductory Textbook (Parameters)
Fighting Barbarians (Parameters)
Blueprint for Disaster: Speculations on Future Low Intensity Conflict (FAS)
U.S. and Russian Policymaking with Respect to the Use of Force (Rand)
Armor's Role in the Future Combined Arms Team (Armor - PDF)
A Crisis of Confidence in Armor? (Armor - PDF)
Laptop Warrior - The Future of Warfare in 2015 (Intellectual
Concrete Jungle - The Future City Fight in Africa (Adam Geibel - Dovey's Army Pages)
Urban Growth and Violence: Will the Future Resemble the Past?
United African Military Police: The 21st Century's First Response (Dovey's Army Pages)
The Military Problem of Tomorrow: Urban Warfare (Short article on MOUT)
A Face of Future Battle: Chechen Fighter Shamil Basayev (Military Review)
Our Enemy's Ultimate Weapon? (Army Logistician)
The Future of Armored Warfare (Parameters)
Navy and Marine Corps Should Realign Systems to Prepare for Next-Century Military Operations (National Research Council)
Interagency Operations Centers: An Opportunity We Can't Ignore (Parameters)
Civil Affairs: Reflections of the Future (DefenseLINK)
MEU (SOC)s in the 21st Century: Will they be Capable of Conducting Humanitarian Operations?
Are We Learning the Right Lessons from Africa's Humanitarian Crises? (Naval War College Review)
Handfuls of Heroes on Desperate Ventures: When do Special Operations Succeed? (Parameters)
Snipers on Tomorrow's Battlefield (Canada, Infantry Journal)
Men Against Fire (Marine Corps University)
Survival: Learning Theory and System Design (Reactive survival skills training - stress scenario)
All Source Analysis Center (TRADOC)
Open Source Intelligence (Parameters)
On the Future of Intelligence in the Canadian Infantry (Canada, Infantry Journal)
Exploiting The New High Resolution Satellite Imagery: Darwinian Imperatives? (CSIS)
The Culture of Future Conflict (Parameters)
Religion and the Dilemmas of Power in Iran (CSIS)
Can Bosnia Be Reunified: Facing Military Reality in the FRY (Brookings Review, includes urban PKO)
Child Soldiers: Invisible Combatants (Broadcast transcript, Center for Defense Information)
1997 Strategic Assessment (NDU)
Strategic Defence Review: Modern Forces for the Modern World (MOD UK)
Land Combat in the 21st Century (U.S. Army TRADOC)
How the Guard and Reserve will Fight in 2025 (Parameters)
Ring of Fire or Ring of Smoke? (Proceedings - See Nov. 98 issue)
Shaping Battlespace - More than Just Deep Attack (Field Artillery)
Capabilities for Major Regional Conflicts (Rand, Table 6.4: Potential Countermeasures to Precision Fires)
Army Vision and the Transformation of Land Power in the Next Century (Strategic Review)
It Takes a Village for Urban Combat.....and Fort Knox is Getting One (Armor)
The Politics of Saving Lives (Foreign Service Journal)
Bombs, Then Bandages: Preparing the Warfighter for the Sojourn to Peacekeeping (Air University - PDF)
Assessing Requirements for Peacekeeping, Humanitarian Assistance, and Disaster Relief (Rand)
Warriors in Peace Operations (SSI)
Peace Implementation and the Concept of Induced Consent in Peace Operations (Parameters)
The Role of the Political Adviser in Peacekeeping Operations (Parameters)
Warriors Without a War (OOTW)
From Sideshow to Center Stage: MOOTW (Rand)
OOTW: Mission Types and Dimensions (National Academy of Sciences)
Report of the Senior Working Group on MOOTW (1994)
MOOTW in the New World Order
Handling Complex Emergencies: Under New Management (Parameters)
Using Force as a Tourniquet (American Enterprise for Public Policy)
Military Support to Civil Authorities: New Dimensions for the 1990s
Expeditionary Police Service (FMSO)
President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection
Experts Urge Upgrading Defense of U.S. Territory (Washington Post)
The New Strategic Trinity (Parameters)
Defining Civil Defense in the Information Age" (NDU, Strategic Forum)
Asymmetric Warfare: The Evolution and Devolution of Terrorism - The Coming Challenge for Emergency and National Security Forces (ERRI)
Cyber-terrorism: The Shape of Future Conflict? (Royal United Service Institute)
Asymmetric Warfare: Is the Army Ready?
Asymmetrical Warfare and the Transnational Threat: Relearning the Lessons from Vietnam (Canadian Forces College)
Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin: January - March 1997 (Issue devoted to Information Operations)
Some Thoughts on Irregular Warfare (DCI, Studies in Intelligence)
Blueprint for Disaster: Speculation on Future Low Intensity Conflict (7 Pillars Partners)
Constant Conflict (Paramters)
The Logic of Peace Operations: Implications for Force Design
Military Support for "Peace Efforts"
The Victorian Small War and Low Intensity Conflict (CGSC)
The U.S. Army and Irregular Warfare (John M. Gates)
A PDD: Multilateral Peace Operations
Joint Intelligence in Support of Peace Operations
Legal Issues in Peace Operations (Paramters)
Peace Operations (NDU, Strateigic Forum)
The Price of Peace (, combat readiness)
From the Peace Army to Sipaz (Peace Brigades International, short history of non-governmental unarmed peacekeeping intervention)
People War: Ruminations on Population and Security (Parameters)
Spotting the Losers: Seven Signs of Non-Competitive States (Parameters)
People of Whom We Know Nothing: When Doctrine Isn't Enough (Military Review)
The War's 'Constructive Component' (Vietnam, civic action)
Limited Wars, Civilian Casualties and Who Must Decide
Battalion Aid Station Support of Military Operations in Urban Terrain (BASS MOUT) (LCDR Charles J. Gbur Jr.)
The DOD Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Program: Concepts, Trends, Medical Challenges (Air University - PDF)
Domestic Prepardness Defense Against WMD (CALL)
DOD Plan for Integrating National Guard and Reserve Component Support for Response to Attacks Using WMD (DOD Tiger Team - January 1998)
Military Doctrine and Counterinsurgency: A British Perspective (Parameters)
Democratization and Failed States: The Challenge of Ungovernability (Parameters)
Take No Casualties (Parameters)
Toward a Concept of Strategic Civil Affairs (Parameters)
Peace in Mind: Will the UN Give PSYOPs a Chance? (Janes International Defense Review)
Russian Information-Psychological Actions: Implications for U.S. PSYOPs (FMSO)
Reserve Component Linguists in Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations (Rand)
Winning CNN Wars (Parameters)
The CNN Effect: TV and Foreign Policy (America's Defense Monitor - broadcast transcript)
Photos as Propaganda (Desktop Cafe)
Reporting from War Zones (Peter Arnett - CNN)
America's Team: The Odd Couple - Media and the Military
Professionalism in War Reporting: A Correspondent's View
The Future Military-Media Relationship: The Media as an Actor in War Execution (Air University - PDF)
New Forces for Engagement Policy (FMSO)
Modeling and Simulation of MOOTW
Is the Modeling and Simulation Community Ready for Individual Combatants? (SAIC)
Peace Operations: Heavy Use of Key Capabilities May Affect Response to Regional Conflicts (GAO report)
Preparing the U.S. Air Force for MOOTW (Rand)
Organizing, Training and Equipping the Air Force for Crises and Lesser Conflicts (Rand)
Training for Future OOTW (MIPB - Intelligence)
Managing Peace Operations in the Field (Parameters)
Air Occupation (Asking the Right Questions)
The Role of Tactical Air Power in Low Intensity Conflict
Psychological Effects of Aerial Bombardment (AWC)
Disaster Recovery as a Social Process
Commander's Guidance: A Challenge of Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (Parameters)
The Urban Environment (World Resources 1996-97)
Tales of the City (Short article on urban dwellers of developing countries)
Survival in the Concrete Jungle (Urban poor)
Professional Military Education and the Emerging RMA


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