Latin American Military - Chile - Fuerza Aérea de Chile (FACh) - Hawker Siddeley Hunter

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Revised: February 1, 1999
Copyright © 1997-1999 by Juan Carlos Barroux R.

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In 1966 after being denied the Sabre by the US government the FACh turned itself to UK and signed on October 26, 1966 the contract HSAL/66/C/066 for 13 FGA71, 3 FGA71A and 3 T72.

The FACh being satisfied with the plane, a second contract (HSAL/69/C/084) was signed on September 1969, 1969 for another 9 FGA71.

Just after the military Coup d'État (September 11, 1973) a third contract was signed for 3 FR71A, 2 FR71 and a single T72.

Due to a number of political reasons Chile was put under an arms embargo by most of the Western countries and could not only get new planes but also new spares for the existing fleet. This meant that the Hunters were kept flying by the pure will of the maintenance crews. A number of planes were cannibalized to keep the other ones flying and during the 1978 frontier crisis with Argentina very few were in flyable conditions.

During those years ENAER took over the upgrades of the planes and started the "Aguila" program which consisted of a locally designed Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) "Caiquen II", an IR decoy (MJU-7/B) and shaff (RR-70) launcher, the cabling to launch the IAI Shafrir IR missile and a UHF radio. The white UHF antena just behind the cockpit was the best way to recognise an "Aguila" Hunter.

After the Falklands/Malvinas war the UK transferred 12 FGA9 and 2 T67 to Chile but most of them were used for spare parts.

All of the Hawker Hunters have been retired by now. A dozen are still in flyable condition but awaiting to be sold to collectors or museums.

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Hawker Siddeley Hunter

FGA71 fighter-bomber

Designation: Hunter
Manufacturer: Hawker Siddeley, U.K.
Crew: 1
Engine: 1 x Rolls-Royce Avon Mk. 207
Engine Type: Turbojet
Engine Thrust: 45.1 kN (4,600 Kg force)
Length:  m
Height:  m
Wing Span:  m
Wing Area:  square meters
Empty Weight:  kg
Max. Weight:  kg
Max. Speed at Sea Level:  km/h
Max. Speed at 36,000 ft:  km/h
Max. Cruising Speed:  km/h
Normal Cruising Speed:  km/h
Range on Internal Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Payload:  km
Combat Radius:  km ()

S/N       C/N        Unit          Built   Bought     Disposition         Notes
J-709     --         --            --      --         Crashed 23/Jul/83   Hunter OJO
J-724     --         --            --      --/Feb/71  Crashed --/--/--    Aguila
J-732     --         Grupo 8       --      --         --
J----     --         --            --      --         --
J----     --         --            --      --         --
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FGA71A recon-fighter

Designation: Hunter
Manufacturer: Hawker Siddeley, U.K.
Crew: 1
Engine: 1 x Rolls-Royce Avon Mk. 207
Engine Type: Turbojet
Engine Thrust: 45.1 kN (4,600 Kg force)
Length:  m
Height:  m
Wing Span:  m
Wing Area:  square meters
Empty Weight:  kg
Max. Weight:  kg
Max. Speed at Sea Level:  km/h
Max. Speed at 36,000 ft:  km/h
Max. Cruising Speed:  km/h
Normal Cruising Speed:  km/h
Range on Internal Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Payload:  km
Combat Radius:  km ()

S/N       C/N        Unit          Built   Bought     Disposition         Notes
J----     --         --            --      --         --
J----     --         --            --      --         --
J----     --         --            --      --         --

FR71 fighter/recce

Designation: Hunter
Manufacturer: Hawker Siddeley, U.K.
Crew: 1
Engine: 1 x Rolls-Royce Avon Mk. 207
Engine Type: Turbojet
Engine Thrust: 45.1 kN (4,600 Kg force)
Length:  m
Height:  m
Wing Span:  m
Wing Area:  square meters
Empty Weight:  kg
Max. Weight:  kg
Max. Speed at Sea Level:  km/h
Max. Speed at 36,000 ft:  km/h
Max. Cruising Speed:  km/h
Normal Cruising Speed:  km/h
Range on Internal Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Payload:  km
Combat Radius:  km ()
Notes: Vinten 626/636 camera

S/N       C/N        Unit          Built   Bought     Disposition         Notes
J-733     --         --            --      --         Crashed --/--/--    Aguila, Atlante 2
J-737     --         Grupo 8       --      --         --                  Atlante 1

FR71A fighter/recce

Designation: Hunter
Manufacturer: Hawker Siddeley, U.K.
Crew: 1
Engine: 1 x Rolls-Royce Avon Mk. 207
Engine Type: Turbojet
Engine Thrust: 45.1 kN (4,600 Kg force)
Length:  m
Height:  m
Wing Span:  m
Wing Area:  square meters
Empty Weight:  kg
Max. Weight:  kg
Max. Speed at Sea Level:  km/h
Max. Speed at 36,000 ft:  km/h
Max. Cruising Speed:  km/h
Normal Cruising Speed:  km/h
Range on Internal Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Payload:  km
Combat Radius:  km ()
Notes: Vinten 626/636 camera

S/N       C/N        Unit          Built   Bought     Disposition         Notes
J-734     --         --            --      --         --                  Aguila
J-735     --         Grupo 8       --      --         --                  Aguila, Atlante 1
J-738     --         --            --      --         --                  Atlante 2

FGA9 fighter-bomber

Designation: Hunter
Manufacturer: Hawker Siddeley, U.K.
Crew: 1
Engine: 1 x Rolls-Royce Avon Mk. 207
Engine Type: Turbojet
Engine Thrust: 45.1 kN (4,600 Kg force)
Length: 13.98 m
Height: 4.01 m
Wing Span: 10.26 m
Wing Area: 32.42 square meters
Empty Weight: 6,532 Kg
Max. Weight: 11,158 Kg
Max. Speed at Sea Level: 1,144 Km/h
Max. Speed at 36,000 ft: 1,010 Km/h
Max. Cruising Speed: 
Normal Cruising Speed: 
Ceiling: 15,240 m
Range on Internal Fuel: 
Range with Max. Fuel: 2,965 Km
Range with Max. Payload: 
Combat Radius: 352 km (2 drop tanks and 2 455 kg bombs)
Weapons: 4 x 30 mm Aden cannon, 900 Kg of various stores under
  the 2 hard points in the wings

S/N       C/N        Unit          Built   Bought     Disposition         Notes
J----     --         --            --      --         --
J----     --         --            --      --         --
J----     --         --            --      --         --
J----     --         --            --      --         --
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J----     --         --            --      --         --

T67 training

Designation: Hunter
Manufacturer: Hawker Siddeley, U.K.
Crew: 2
Engine: 1 x Rolls-Royce Avon Mk. 207
Engine Type: Turbojet
Engine Thrust: 45.1 kN (4,600 Kg force)
Length:  m
Height:  m
Wing Span:  m
Wing Area:  square meters
Empty Weight:  kg
Max. Weight:  kg
Max. Speed at Sea Level:  km/h
Max. Speed at 36,000 ft:  km/h
Max. Cruising Speed:  km/h
Normal Cruising Speed:  km/h
Range on Internal Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Payload:  km
Combat Radius:  km ()

S/N       C/N        Unit          Built   Bought     Disposition         Notes
J----     --         --            --      --         --
J----     --         --            --      --         --

T72 training

Designation: Hunter
Manufacturer: Hawker Siddeley, U.K.
Crew: 2
Engine: 1 x Rolls-Royce Avon Mk. 207
Engine Type: Turbojet
Engine Thrust: 45.1 kN (4,600 Kg force)
Length:  m
Height:  m
Wing Span:  m
Wing Area:  square meters
Empty Weight:  kg
Max. Weight:  kg
Max. Speed at Sea Level:  km/h
Max. Speed at 36,000 ft:  km/h
Max. Cruising Speed:  km/h
Normal Cruising Speed:  km/h
Range on Internal Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Fuel:  km
Range with Max. Payload:  km
Combat Radius:  km ()

S/N       C/N        Unit          Built   Bought     Disposition         Notes
J-718     --         --            --      --/Oct/67  --                  Former prototype Mk.66A
J-736     --         --            --      --         --                  Aguila, Atlante 1
J----     --         --            --      --         --
J----     --         --            --      --         --

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