My Humble Tribute
to our MIAs/POWs

This page is dedicated to our MIA/POWs... and, to YOU who can do so
much more than you may realise to help. If what is expressed or depicted
here seems harsh, then I beg of you to remember that it can be no harsher
than the reality of what life must be like for those of our men who have been
abandoned in South East Aisia, or for the families of those who's loved one's
remains still lie in nameless graves or scattered on the hillsides far from the
land and people they loved enough to die for. PLEASE...Help make 1998 the
year they ALL come Home!

I want them HOME!!!
Capt.Michael L.Klingner KIA/BNR
Col.Herbert O. Brennan MIA
Lt. Thomas A. Duckett MIA

My God...
Have They Forgotten Me?

Click on the Bracelette
To learn how You CAN help...

Click on the LOGO to visit the OJC Switchboard

Thanks Scott, for
This lovely graphic

Bill's PLace

(Thanks Bill)

PLEASE take a moment to sign my Guest Book...

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awards given
graphics US Navy Hosp. Corps awards received
WW2 imagesVietnam Wall MemMerchant Marine Trib

© 1997

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