November 1, 2001

Welcome to The Mason-Dixon Line
[Civil War Photograph]
Photograph from the Library of Congress Civil War Collection

Civil War Home Page

From authentic 19th century recipes, to well-researched period clothing and patterns, this web-site captures real life on the home and war-front. These pages contain useful information for Civil War reenactors, both military and civilian, confederate and union.
Afterall, Maryland was the divided state!
Click on the picture to be transported to: "In the Field," where you can find accurate information for military reenactors and historic researchers. Contents will change frequently and focus on authentic "Recipes " appropriate for the field, accurate information for "The Field Doctor," "Portraits of War," proper military attire and "Links" to the best Civil War sites on the web.
Custer with Confederate Prisoner]
[Photograph of (left) Confederate Lt. James B. Washington, with Capt. George A. Custer of the 5th Cavalry, U.S.A. from Library of Congress Civil War Collection]

Current features for recipe pages: Hardtack, Soups and Seafood!

From recipes that please the palate to those that heal an ailment, this is the page that says it all. Whether you are a reenactor portraying military or civilian civil war charactors or just like to collect recipes, this is a must-see page. These authentic recipes are from my personal first edition collection of 19th Century literature.

Civil War Recipes For Any Occasion

This page is packed with additional authentic Civil War culinary delights, many of which are geared to Civil War Living History events. Explanations and translations make it easy to transfer these appealing 19th century recipes to the 20th century kitchen.
All recipes are well-documented.

The Doctor is In

Visit the Health Department to find interesting facts about 19th century medicine and home remedies used during the Civil War era.
The memiors of Archibald Atkinson, Jr., who served as a doctor in the Confederate Army.


Tidbits and Trivia featuring "Does the Camera Ever Lie?"

Coming soon:
The Hunley - what the movie didn't tell you!

Enter the Gateway to Civil War Women

Features rare photographs and diaries of women, many of whom endured and survived the hardships of the Civil War.


Visit the Entire Civil War Community

Looking for more Civil War information? These Web Rings provide one of the easiest ways for visitors to navigate on the Web. Each Ring community was started and is maintained by an individual website owner, it's RingMaster. The member web sites listed have banded together to form unique linked circles. All have a common goal:
To give visitors an easy access to information pertaining to the American Civil War.

Secession-seeking Southern Party Holds Inaugural Rally?

Order of Merit

Additional Civil War Resources

Links to the Best Civil War Sites on the Web.

© 2001Mason-Dixon Line News

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