"Hi This is Bucky Gilbert QM3 (51-55), Hambone Collins QM3, Chuck "Mouseman" Chambers MMC calling all BLUEMATES of the KOREAN Conflict era ,spouses and surviving spouses and their children from the signal bridge, The USS Blue Korean veterans 2003 Reunion is set for October 2003 in BRANSON, Missouri - Date of this reunion is October 7 - 10, 2003, Place is the Howard Johnston Motel, in Branson, MO...., contact Bucky Gilbert at dgilb534@bellsouth.net 770-473-4498, or Hambone Collins at fdcollins@attbi.com 303-986-8425 or Chuck "Mouseman" Chambers MMC at cvs033@mchsi.com ,1-563-386-5307 for further information"