La Légion Étrangère - French ForeignLegion




A lot of the information about the Legionen is obsolete or wrong, this is mainly because it is a closed society that seldom chares information about them selves.

"La Légion Étrangère" is a unit that stands under the French army, the Legion was created to serve in the colonies of France. It is now an elit unit in the French army, in the Legionen you can find paratroopers, armour, mechanised infantery, desertcombat units, enineers, attackdivers, marsch infantery, djungel commando and they also have their own marsching band (Musique Principale). The Legion was raised in 1831 by King Louis Philippe. The HQ was in Sidi-Bel-Abbes 60 miles (96,5 km) south of Oran in Algeria, this came to be the spiritual center of the French Foreign Legion, until the country was given it's independence, and France pulled it's troops back to the homeland in 1962. The Legion was not alowed to be in mainland France during piecetime.

The Legion's HQ has been in Aubagne, about 5 kilometers outside of Marseille since 1962. The majority of the officers are French,about 60% of it's members are promoted from it's ranks, the other 40% are French officers. When you enlist in the Legion you swear an oath to serve the Legion but it does not mean "to serve France". Those who have fullfilled their contract can apply to a French citizenship after five years.

Since the Legion never talks about the Legionnaires background, the Legion has gained a reputation that they pull criminal elements that runs from the law (this is a reputation that comes from their time in Africa). It has created the illusion that the French Foreign Legion is romantic, since the 1960's the Legion has been predicted that the Legion would not survive the French marsch back from Africa.

In 1914 much of the French Africa army was drawn back to the homeland France to stem the German invasion. The legionnaires fought extremely brave during the hollowcaust on the western front, because of this the "Régiment de marché de la légion étrangère" the most decorated in the French army in 1918. During the second world war the Legion faught all over the world and against both sides, some elements from the Legion faught in France and 1940 in Norway (13 D.B.L.E. was formed to fight in the war in Finland, but was used in Narvik, Norway). Until the French surrender.

Other Legonnaires left in Syria, Libanon and North Africa, stayed loyal to the Vichy regime and tried to prevent the allied invasions. After the second world war France tried to re-establish it's authority in South-east Asia, but instead they where involved in a war agains the nationalists in Viet-minh, Indochine. One by one the garrisons fell or was wiped out and the Ho-Chi-Minh gerrilla gained the upper hand. 1953 France put everything into a decicive battle, at Dien-Bien-Phu, just to have it's 14000 men strong force surrounded and besiged. Seven French Foreign Legion battaljons were in the garrison that finaly was crushed by Viet-Minh. in may 1954.

Of all the battles that the Legion has faught during it’s 160 years, it takes most pride out of the Battle at Camerone (an isolated company in Mexico the 30th of April, 1863) when they refused to surrender even if they were outnumbered by 2000 Mexicans, Captain Jean Danjou’s men practically faught to the last man, when they were out of bullets the last five men charged ”bayonette au canon” fixed bayonets. The 30th of April every year this bravery is salubrated at the ”Camerone-day”, this is still done today by all the units in the French Foreign Legion. The most visible manifestation of the Legions unik ”esprit de corps”.

The Legion is equipped and armed as the rest of the French army. Well prepared to serve France. They have faught in Algeria (until 1962), in Zaire (1978), and in Chad. It is now primarily a rapid deployment force with a force of about 8200 men. It was involved in the 1991 war in the Persian Gulf. When President Mitterandcreated a French division that was going to Saudi Arabia to take part in operation ”Desert Shield”, The Legion was to be a large part of the division. 13em D.B.L.E. was in on the American intervention in Somalia as well.

Most of the people who enlist today are from East Europe and France. Very few comes from the northern Europe and/or the USA. The time you spend in Aubagne will be very boaring and you will have to do a lot of boaring things, like washing up, take care of the lawns, mop the floors etc. Lots of people that don’t wan’t to do these things gets boared and goes back home again. If you are reasonably well trained (you shall run as far as you can in 12 minutes), and have good health, then you shouldn’t have any problems with enlisting. But you should be prepared for the ”Gestapo” interviews (the Legion’s own intelligence service) they will take a good, deep look at you and your past. They will do medical, physical, and psycic tests, and if your good, radio tests.

The Spanish army have a similar unit, (Legion Extranjera, that used to be stationed in Spanish Marocco), but they are now stationed in HQ at the Canarie Islands. This unit does not enlist foreingers any longer..



1er R.E. (1er Régiment Étrangère)

The regimentet is stationed at Caserne QUARTIER VIENNOT, in Aubagne, France.

1er R.E. is the Legions HQ. All of the Legion’s administrativ services are handeled from here, they also have the Legions musicband (Musique Prinsipale) here.

Whereever you enlist or what regiment you want to apply for, you will end up at the administrative company. You will have to go through here, first for the selection and after basic-training when you transfer between regiments. This is the reception central where all tests are done. It’s here you will find out if you are accepted for basic-training or if you will be sent home again.

The ”Gestapo” office is here aswell, they will find out everything about you and your background, so if you have a arrestsheat, then you will go through a lots of long examinations. As far as I know smallcrimes will not stop you, but if you are wanted by the police for murder of other serious crimes, then you have problems. Try not to ”fix” your background, you can rest easy that they will find out... They are very thorough.

”Képi Blanc” is the Legion’s own newspaper, and it’s made at 1er R.E. As a ”Engage Volontaire” in the Legion you will have to staple the pages together by hand. The regiment’s job is to: Recruit, administrate and upphold the traditions of the French Foreign Legion.

1er R.E:

C.S.L.E. (French Foreign Legion’s service company),

C.C.R.S. (Commanding and the regiment’s service company),

C.A.P.L.E. (French Foreign Legion’s administrative company),

C.T.L.E. (French Foreign Legion’s transport company),

MUSIQUE PRINCIPALE (French Foreign Legion’s musicband).

1er R.E.C. (1er Régiment Étrangère de Cavalerie)

1er R.E.C. is the Legion’s Armour regiment. 1er R.E.C. was established in Sousse, Tunisia in 1921.

1er R.E.C. is now stationed in Caserne 'QUARTIER LABOUCHE' in Orange, France. This unit belongs to France’s 14th Infantry division, It consists of 3 armour squadrons and a half-mechanised infantry company. It is also earmarkt as one of the spearheads in the French intervention force (this was visible in "Desert Storm" when the Legionen was one of the first over the Irak border).

2em R.E.I. (2em Régiment Étrangère d'Infanterie)

2em R.E.I. is the Legion’s mechanised infantry regiment. It consists of a 1500 men strong infantry regiment, that have been stationed i Bonifacio in Corsika. It’s companies rotates through commando and other specialist schools and they are also in the ”companie Tournant” that goes through the different bases the Legion has outside France in ”Outre Mer”.

2em R.E.I. was established in 1841. 2em R.E.I. is now stationed in Caserne QUARTIER VALLONGUE in Nimes, France.


2em R.E.P. (2em Régiment Étrangère de Parachutistes)

2em R.E.P. is stationed in Caserne QUARTIER RAFFALI in Calvi, Corsica. It was raised in 1955.

2em R.E.P. is probably the most known unit in the Legion, it is the Legion’s airbourne regiment. It is also an elit unit within the Legion itself. The best recruits can apply to come here, but most of the recruits will try to get in here.

2em R.E.P. is mainly the unit that is the first one to be sent into action (they have a 24-hour standby), here you will also find the Legion’s most specialised unit - C.R.A.P. (Commandos de Recherche et d’Action dans la profondeur). This is the Legions ”Special Forces”, and only NCO’s can apply there. The regiment consists of HQ and 4 combat companies. They are proud to be able to make a para-drop where ever it is neaded in the world within 24-hours. One company is normally placed at 13em D.B.L.E.

Units in the 2em R.E.P.

1ere C.I.E. - specialists on night combat, anti-armour and at combat in built up areas.

2eme C.I.E. - specialists at mountain warefare.

3eme C.I.E. - specialists at amfibie warfare.

4eme C.I.E. - specialists at demolision/sabotage och sniping.

5eme C.I.E. - Maintanance of equipment

C.C.S. - HQ- and working company.

C.E.A. - Maintennance and recon company, C.R.A.P. - Commando - .Commandos de Rechercheet d'Action dans le Profondeur. two platoons of MILAN anti-tank missiles, one anti-aircraft artillery platoon, and a mechanized reconnaissance platoon.

3em R.E.I. (3em Régiment Étrangère d'Infanterie)

3em R.E.I. is a Legion infantry regiment stationed in French Guyana, South America.

This regiment left Malagasy, Madagascar in 1973 when it moved to it’s present station. This is where to go if you like snakes, reptiles, insects and tropical rainforest. Their primary task is to secure ”E.S.A. Space Centre”, Europe’s space center in Cayenne. You will also find commandos here.

3em R.E.I. was established in 1915, and is stationed in Caserne QUARTIES FORGET in Kourou, French Guyana, South America. It is here the American U.S.M.C., Special Forces and S.E.A.L’s come to be trained in jungle warfare ”Legion style”. It is outside this coast the ”Isle de salut” salvation islands lie, or you will atleast know one of the islands, ”Devils island”.

4em R.E. (4em Régiment Étrangère)

4em R.E. is the military academy regiment.

4em R.E. is stationed at Caserne QUARTIER DANJOU and Caserne QUARTIER LEPASSET in Castelnaudary, France.

The new recruits, NCO’s and officer’s schools are here, Caserne Quartier Lepasset is in the center of town and Caserne Quartier Danjou is 5 km outside of town. You will make 4 months basic trainig, after that the training continues at the regiment you’ve been assigned to.


5em R.E. (5em Régiment Étrangère), former 5em R.M.P. (5eme Régiment Mixte du Pacifique).

They have now re-located to Ao.

5em R.E. was established in Indocine in 1930, but is now stationed at the Mururoa Atoll near Tahiti, in the south pacific. They have sections at Tahiti och Arue. This is not a combat regiment today, but a "R & R camp " for legionnaires that have descerved a little calmer posting. Their primary task is to secure the nuclear testzon there, together with some engineering operations. Since they are partly a regular French unit the regiment has been named "Mixte" instead of "Étrangère".

6em R.E.G. (6em Régiment Étrangère de Genie)

6em R.E.G. is the newest regiment. The regiment is a engineering regiment, where they build bridges, make mine fields or clear mines, and puts in place or clear boobytraps.

6em R.E.G. was established the 1st of July in 1984, and is stationed in Caserne CAMP ARDOISE in Avignon, France. It belongs to the "61:a Battallion Mixte du Genie de la Legion". This engineering battaljon was created to finish training areas. The battaljon consists of a Legion infantry company and a company of regular French army engineers.

The regiment also have a diver unit - D.I.N.O.P.S. (Detachement d'Intervention Operationelle Subaquqtique). The Legion’s "SEAL's". As a new recruit you can’t apply for this regiment, you will have to earn it !

6em R.E.G. changes to 1em R.E.G. at the end of the year when 2em R.E.G. will be created at Plateau Albilon.
An engineer battalion headquartered with 2e étranger at Nîmes, France. Included with its ranks is the Détachement d'Intervention Opérationnelle Subaquatique who serve as combat swimmers and underwater explosive ordnance disposal and underwater demolitions.


BAT_GEN.jpg (6284 bytes) BAT GEN

BAT GEN existed Jan to may 1996 in Sarajevo,
when ALL of 6em R.E.G. was installed there.


13em D.B.L.E. (13em Demi Brigade de Légion Étrangère)

13em D.B.L.E. The Legion’s halfbrigade, was established in 1940 in Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria, North Africa.

Today they are stationed in Caserne QUARTIER MONTCLAR in Djibouti, Djibouti, Northeast Africa.

This is the Legion’s desert combat regiment. Here you will also find commando units.

DLEM.jpg (3557 bytes) D.L.E.M. (Detachment Légion Étrangère de Mayotte)

D.L.E.M. is a very small unit that consists of two companies, that is under command of a Liutennant-Colonel. The unit consists of 250 men, stationed on Mayotte. Mayotte is a vulcanic island within one of the worlds biggerst lagoon in the arcipelago of the Commores, placed in the straits of Mozambique. Mayotte is a outpost on the way to Reunion and the 250 legionnaires is responsible for it’s security. Here you will find commandoes.

1976 the Commores descided to continue to belong to the French republic. Since then the Legion has kept a small military force on the island. The troops task is to remain a French presence in the Indian Ocean.

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