* You Must consider it carefully before you enlist.
* Do not enlist if your life is terrible right now, the Legion is not a promice that your life will be better. Remember that you will be away from your home and familly for a long time.
* Take extra money with you so its enough for a returne ticket home again, the chanse is that you will want to leave the Legion before you get any pay from them. If it would be that you cant complete the selection you will get a ticket to the recruitment office there you enlisted.
* Get your self a bank account in Paris, or the city where you enlist, and leave all your money there. You wont need money in Aubagne. At the same time get yourself a safety deposit box for all the things that you dont want to take with you to Aubagne.
* Start to work-out atleast sex weeks before you are to enlist so that you get to have a good physical condition (you will need it), when you arrive. Even if the physical demands are hard and demanding so keep on going, it is only to your advantage. During basic training you will be graded for everything you do. So the higher points you get in the end, the more choises you will get to choose from. Some simple work-out rules is to do sitt-ups (about 100 st.), push-ups (about 50 st), climb a seven meters long rope with a 35-40 kg rucksack in 10 secunds and to run a lot, so that you have the stamina to run and marsch, the Legion loves to run and marsch.
* Learn as much french you can before you go. Even though its not nessecary to know the language to be able to enlist, It makes the transition a lot easyer. Plus that you even gets points for knowing French, so learn! Atleast some of the most common fraises.
* Have all your medical and dental problems fixed before you go. Medical problems can delay or terminate your enlistment process. When it comes to the teeths, the Legion will only pull out the ones you complain over, And Im sure that you want to come home with the same number of teeths that you hade when you enlisted.
* You cannot have any tattoos on the hands, in the face or on the neck. It isnt allowed to get a tattoo with the aid of ink and needles in the barracks (sounds stupid but it is fairly common). You are not allowed to be homosexual.
* Bring cigarettes (if you smoke). You cant buy it in Aubagne as a recruit.
* Dont bring any clothes that you like and dont want to loose, leave jewellery at home or in the safty-deposit-box, dont take anything that you are attached to (you are allowed toiletteries and a towel and a couple of shorts, you wont be allowed to keep any more), your clothes and other stuff that you eventually have with you will be placed in a sack, that if you are accepted for basic training is sent to the Red Cross.