When a man's name merges with history it naturally leaves an echo in his contemporaries' mind ..." - 'Colonel' Bob Denard.
This is a list of links that I think is worth reading…

Sandline International:
 Sandline  International
 Transcript  Bouganville
 Tim Spicer  News Summaries
 Mercenaries  PNG's British Forces…
Executive Outcomes:
 Reining  Executive
 Executive Outcomes Info  What is Executive Outcomes
 EO gets warm write up…  SA Mercenaries…
'Mad' Mike Hoare and 'Col* Bob Denard:
 Heart - 1  Heart - 2
 Hired Guns  Paris - "Dogs of WAR"
 Mercenari - in Italian  Mercenary Books
 Kommt… - in German  Bob Denard - in French
 Djohar - in French  'Col' Bob Denard - in French
 IWR  Bob
 Eddie - 1  Eddie - 2
 Zaire  U.N.H.C.R.
Unsorted Links:
 Diamond Mercenaries…  Angola Peace Monitor
 IRIN - Eastern Zaire  Amnesty International…
 Mediaport French Article...  African Crisis Report
 Sierra Leone - Civil war  To Stabilize Tottering Gov…
 Private US Companies Train…  South Africa
 PM: Can't say on Hired…  Reference Center

 Angola - Dogs of War  Rambo in Paradise
Pages Links:
 Mercenary Information Page  Terrorist Warning!!!
All thoughts are welcome, maby you can help me doing this site the Nr1 MERCENARY SITE on the WEB, please feel free to mail me… (stories, links and pictures).
If you have any information about merc jobs that you want to share, mail them to me…
If you have any links that you think I should add to my site, mail them to me…