A New Tokyo Replaces the Old - 4

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Yokohama Yokohama
Yokohama Yokohama

Traditional geisha Traditional geisha Traditional geisha

Traditional geisha Businessmen entertaining with geisha
Modern geisha Modern geisha at park Everybody shops

The Shinjuku Station Box People

There are lots of Japanese who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time .. witness the utter collapse of the Japanese "bubble" economy .. the name itself should have forewarned them .. people thrown out of jobs they've had their entire lives .. a major catastrophe in a society that used to have lifetime employment at the same company .. people's self-worth is determined by their company affiliation .. in a group society like Japan, people don't know how to deal with that displacement .. and thus emerged the Shinjuku Station Box People .. homeless, living in the train station, but thrusting it in the face of $2,000 suit-wearing executives who walk past, deliberately looking the other way .. they demand attention by highly original and artistic decoration of their cardboard boxes in serene, surreal, obscene and religious tableaux that absolutely screams out at everyone who passes: help me!

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