Janny Rae :o)

Please take the Dove of Peace below - It is Free and from the Heart! Pass it on!*

In Memory Of Robert Joseph DiTommaso

I first learned about Robert DiTommaso in the early 1980's, when I had the pleasure of meeting his mother, Malfada on several occasions. She was a good friend of my ex-husband, Eugene, who worked with some Viet Nam Vets in Buffalo, NY. She was a great lady, and was totally dedicated to finding her Bobby. In a 1988 interview for the Buffalo News, she stated, "You gotta keep on the go all the time and it costs a lot of money." She was explaining her continuing efforts to find and bring Bobby home. She supported most of these efforts with her social security checks. She was 75 at the time, and recently home from her trip to Hawaii in which she was to welcome Bobby home. He wasn't there, nor were his remains, or any new information. Malfada DiTommaso died March 20, 1991, never knowing what happened to her beloved son.

Links To Other Sites

  1. Operation Just Cause

  • The Yellow Ribbon Campaign
  • Yellow Ribbon Yellow Ribbon Tree Yellow Ribbon

  • How to add this link to your homepage
  • The P.O.W. Network
  • Theodore Eugene Kryszak
  • Another Western New Yorker, Still Missing in Viet Nam

  • DiTommaso Memorial Post 66
  • This AMVETS Post was named in honor of Robert DiTommaso on August 21, 1985. The "66" stands for 1966, the year Robert's plane was shot down in Viet Nam.
    (It's too bad they don't tell how they came to name the post after Robert,
    or even mention his name on their web site.)

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