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Below Is A Letter Sent by KKHC

May 13, 1998

Via E-Mail: president@whitehouse.gov

U.S. President William Clinton
The White House
Capitol Hill
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20500

E6 SF - U.S. Army - Recon Team 5 Detachment B-52 DELTA 5th Special Forces; Date of Loss 04/17/69 - South Vietnam; Loss Coordinates: 160126N 1073546E (YC778732); Status (In 1973): Missing In Action; Date of Birth 05/10/40; Home City of Record: Canadian, Texas

Dear Mr. President,

This letter is to request immediate action to locate and return CHARLES VERNON NEWTON and other persons unaccounted for as the result of the Viet Nam War.

HAVE OUR U.S. OFFICIALS FORGOTTEN OUR WARRIORS: the souls who secured our peace?

On April 13, 1969, Charlie was at Thua Thien Province, nine (9) miles from Laos. That's the last information made public about Charlie.

How has your life progressed over the last twenty-seven years? Have you celebrated births and graciously buried the dead? Have you dined with friends, while basking in good cheer? Have you anguished because you were unable to locate someone about whom you cared?

Please make the return of Charlie to the United States and his home state of Texas a personal priority and a reality.


Below Is The Only Response Received

KKHC EMail In-Box
From autoresponder@whitehouse.gov Wed May 13 08:36:51 1998 Received: (from uucp@localhost) by WhiteHouse.gov (8.7.1/uucp-relay) id LAA15991; Wed, 13 May 1998 11:36:46 -0400 (EDT) Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 11:36:46 -0400 (EDT)
Message-Id: 199805131536.LAA15991@WhiteHouse.gov
Subject: Re: MIA/POW

Thank you for writing to President Clinton via electronic mail. Since June 1993, the President has received over 2.3 million messages from people across the country and around the world. Online communication has become a tool to bring government and the people closer together.

Because so many of you write, the President cannot personally review each message, though he does receive samples of his incoming correspondence. The White House Correspondence staff helps him read and respond to the mail. All responses are mailed via the U.S. Postal Service. This is the only electronic message you will receive from whitehouse.gov. No other message purporting to be from the President or his staff with an address at whitehouse.gov is authentic. If you have received such a message, you have received a "spoof."

We appreciate your interest in the work of the Administration.


Stephen K. Horn
Director, Presidential E-mail
The Office of Correspondence

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