<--Created by GeoCities Home Page Generator-->/> HONORABLE RECOGNITION

Thanks to Doc, Windy, Ron, Angel & Hollie for military graphics
Follow the "Operation Just Cause" Link

Thanks to ICT for dove, angel & cross graphics

Thanks to The Page for Flag graphics

Thanks to "Operation Just Cause" for Patriotic Music

Thanks to John's Background Collection for "Sky," "Rustic" & "Rock" backgrounds

Thanks to Karen for "Flag" Background
Follow the "Operation Just Cause" Link

Thanks to Rock Page By Gordon for the textured background (on this page)

Thanks to The Banner Generator

SPECIAL THANKS to DeWayne McCarty for locating pictures and converting sound to see and hear the "Inmates"
Linked from Discharge/Retired Members - McClellan, Odis H.

SPECIAL THANKS to Bernard (Bernie) B. Heuss for consultation, guidance, and encouragement to make this web site a reality!

Pending Credit for "Unicorn" Background

Unless otherwise noted, graphics were found in the public domain

If you know of credit that has not been given, please email and tell us

"Where's My", "They Made A Difference" and "Make Em Remember" Banners were created by KKHC
You may use them, IF you email us and place a link back to this web site

Please save image to your hard drive and do not link to this page

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KKHC is a member of the HTML Writers Guild
Research, design & HTML coding by KKHC
© 1998 KKHC
Last Modified May 20, 1998

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