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    The Action Man Webring was created to make it easier for Action Man's friends and admirers to be able to find information dealing with Action Man. If you are the owner of a site or page containing any related Action Man content, figures, history, animation, comics, etc, we invite you to join our ring. By joining the Action Man Webring you agree to the following terms and conditions, which are subject to change at any time.

      Requirements to join the ring...

      1. You are the owner of an Action Man related site.

      2. Your site doesn't need to be exclusively Action Man, but you should have at least one page relating to Action Man.

      3. Sites that are dedicated to Geyperman are allowable and would count towards #2.

      4. Your site doesn't contain any pornographic material. There are other rings for that sort of thing.

      5. You agree to update the HTML fragment, should it change in any way.

      6. You agree that the ringmaster has the final decision on whether or not to allow your site into the ring.

      If you understand and agree to the above conditions, then please click here to join the ring. .

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      © 1998 L.A. Meisel

      This page was last updated July 12, 1998.