Would you like to talk about Action Man or Geyperman? If so, then you have come to the right place! Because Action Man fans are international it might be easier to chat with other fans on weekends. Suggestions are welcome as to whether you would like to schedule a weekly forum to discuss Action Man. The chat room is available, though, 24 hours a day, everyday.

***In order to chat you must have a java enabled browser.***

(Sorry...I didn't design the program.)

MAC users - trial and error and the FAQ have told us that parachat works best with Netscape 4.01 or IE 3. Others using older versions have had difficulty accessing the chat. It is a known bug at this time.

PC users - This will not work if you are using Win 3.11 and Netscape Communicator, NN 3.0, or NN Gold. If you are using Win95 and any of those browsers there should be no problems

Should anyone encounter any specific problems related to their operating systems or browsers, please let me know so I may include them here.

Sorry, your browser is not Java enabled, you will not be able to chat.

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© 1998 L.A. Meisel

This page was last updated June 30, 1998.