B. All mounted gun teams, limbered and unlimbered, must obey the commands of the Chief of Artillery and his designated officers. Mounted artillery will be combined into sections and batteries wherever possible.
C. New and inexperienced teams should not be hitched to equipment on their first exposure to massed troops and firing. They should be harnessed in pairs and led gradually on to the battlefield during their first battle with outriders and/or horseholders to steady and test each pair’s reaction to the environment.
D. Teams, which, in the opinion of the Chief of Artillery or his Mounted Officer, require assistance, will use outriders and/or outwalkers (horse holders) on foot to assist in control of the team(s).
E. No cannoneers will ride the limber chests at gaits above a Walk, on or off the battlefield.
F. No more than three cannoneers may ride any single limber chest.
G. Steep downhill movement will be done at a walk with either a prolonge rigged as a brake (held back by the crew) or with the wheel lock chain fixed on the towed vehicle. Cannoneers must not ride limber chests during steep downhill movement.
H. Uphill movement which requird any gait faster than a walk will be preceded by outriders(s) or other personnel to arragne a clear path for the detachment. Cannoneers must not ride limber chests during steep uphill movements.
I. No gear (such as canteens, haversacks or packs) will be placed on the limber chests in any fashion, which will allow the gear to swing into the wheels of the vehicle. Driver’s canteens and haversacks must be placed on the off horses.
J. No driver will take a hit off a team horse without it being a part of a pre-planned scenario approved by the Chief of Artillery which scenario must include a replacement driver being present. Wheel and lead drivers must never take a hit from their mounts.
K. No list of rules or guidelines can completely address all situations. The Chief of Artillery or his designated Mounted Officer will make the final decision in any situation involving artillery horses, riders or practices.
B. Inexperience riders and green teams will be identified to the Chief of Artillery by the senior officer on the unit proposing the team and/or rider prior to any mounted activity at the event, including training.
C. No person under the age of 16 will mount a horse in any mounted capacity with the Mounted Artillery without specific authorization of the Chief of Artillery and the Commanding General.
D. Horses will be camped at or near the Mounted Artillery camp unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance with the Chief of Artillery and the Commanding General.
E. Picket line watches will be detailed during the hours of darkness and at any other time the Chief of Artillery or his designated Mounted Officer deems it necessary for the physical safety of the horses or event spectators.
F. Physical abuse of horses in violation of state laws prevailing at event sites will be ground for immediate expulsion from the event.
G. Horses participating as or with Mounted Artillery must have a valid current copy of the Coggins test as a minimum and any additional health papers as required by state travels laws or event sponsors.
H. Horses will be ridden on event grounds only by drivers and artillery personnel designated by the Chief of Artillery or his designated Mounted Officer. Civilians, spectators, children and visitors will absolutely not be allowed to mount any horse.
I. No horse will be allowed to be picketed in any vehicle parking area at any time.
J. Stallions will not be allowed to participate in any event in any manner.
B. Unit commanders may serve as mounted gun commanders as NCO’s with the teams(s) and the crews which they field.
C. The designated Mounted Officer or the Chief of Artillery will appoint Section, Battery commanders and/or NCO’s based on individual experience and past performance of leadership at previous events.
D. The designated Mounted Officer or the Chief of Artillery may assign or require outriders and/or outwalkers for horse teams based upon individual experience and past performance of the teams at previous events.
E. No Mounted Artillery unit may register as a sub-unit of an Infantry organization. Registration signifies willingness to cooperate with the overall direction of the Mounted Artillery at the event. The Chief of Artillery or his designated Mounted Officer may detach sections or pieces to act as supporting guns when appropriate.
F. All Registrants accepted as Mounted Artillery will participate in all drills, demonstrations, battles and camp routines. Reasonable cause for absence from any artillery activity will be determined by the Chief of Artillery, his designated Mounted Officer and the senior member of the detachment involved.
G. The contact individual registering any Mounted Artillery detachment(s) will be responsible for informing the detachment(s) of the conditions stated within these Safety Regulations concerning Battlefield, Camp Routine, Organization, Uniforms, Harness and Equipment. Any individual or group in violation of these rules will be removed from the event.
B. Artillery drivers are advised to wear reinforced sky blue kersey trousers. All drivers will wear leather artillery leg guards.
C. Artillery drivers will wear Forage caps with functional chin straps on the battlefield. No loose slouch or Hardee hats will be worn on the battlefield. Loose hats may be worn for parades, reviews or demonstrations.
D. Artillery drivers and mounted personnel are advised to wear black artillery boots or military riding boots or period design. Military spurs are optional, but no recommended.
E. Canteens will be mandatory for all Mounted Artillery men, on foot or on horse, regardless of rank. All Artillery driver’s haversacks and canteen will be placed on the off-horses, not on the driver.
F. In the interest of achieving the advancement of Mounted Artillery in general, uniforms and equipment do not have to be absolutely correct. Each unit or individual will be inspected for reasonable Federal standards prior to taking the field. Those units or individuals not meeting the minimum qualifying standards will be given the opportunity to correct the disqualifying item(s). The same will apply to horse tack.
B. Drivers will not carry weapons except for parades, reviews or demonstrations.
C. Mounted cannoneers will not carry weapons except for parades, reviews or demonstrations.
B. Saddle blankets will be blue or red wool with orange or dark blue trim respectively.
C. Required team equipment – harness and tack will consist of:
D. Pairs will not be linked at the bit or halter to be driven. Pairs may be linked with "breakaway" links in other harness locations but not at the heads.
E. Horse breeds and sizes should be compatible with Civil War era horses. Appaloosa, spotted and other colors unavailable to Civil War usage will not be permitted.
F. Bed rolls, feed bags, horse collars, Artillery watering bags and other horse furniture will conform to the types in common use during the Civil War.
G. No field equipment of Indian War era or later (i.e. WWI or WWII) will be allowed for use on the field. Passable and safe visual substitutes will be tolerated for temporary use of detachments in their first year of service.
H. Absolutely no Western or English riding equipment will be allowed for use in a Civil War era event.
I. Questionable equipment will be inspected by the Chief of Artillery, his designated Mounted Officer or the Safety Officer for acceptance. The decision of the inspecting officer(s) will govern the use of the equipment in question.
While units officers and NCO’s are held responsible for the actions of their unit members, it still remains that EVERY UNIT MEMBER IS A RESPONSIBLE ADULT! |
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