B. No-one will allow a drawn saber blade to drop beyond 45 degrees from the vertical when at 25 yards or less to the opposing force.
C. Striking an opponent horse or rider with any weapon is prohibited.
D. Grabbing or holding any portion of an opponent’s person, uniform or horse equipment is prohibited.
E. Bringing any weapon other than a saber (i.e. firearms) to bear upon a saber contestant in close quarters is prohibited.
F. Continuation of the attack after any participant in the engagement has been unhorsed is prohibited.
G. All carbines and revolvers will be elevated above the opponent’s head when discharged at ranges of 25 yards or less.
H. During dismounted engagements, troopers mounted or dismounted will not charge horse holders or otherwise engage in activities that may spook horses linked together.
I. All cavalry combatants mounted and dismounted shall obey the commands of the cavalry commander and his designated platoon leaders.
J. No cavalry combatant will deliver weapons fire within 25 feet of an artillery piece or limber.
K. No mounted cavalryman will ride between a limber box and its associated artillery piece.
L. The signal for a loaded artillery piece is implements crossed on the barrel. If this signal is observed or the artillery crew is waving combatants off - stay away from the piece. Always ride behind the artillery piece and limber box when crossing the field of fire of fixed or mobile artillery.
B. No one will ride or lead a horse into the camps of infantry, artillery, civilians, or sutlers.
C. All horses will be dismounted prior to entering any authorized camp area and led into the designated picket area. With the exception of a designated combat area, absolutely no mounted individual will allow a horse to enter a camp area above the gait of a controlled walk.
D. Inexperienced riders and green horses will be identified to the cavalry commander by the unit senior member present prior to participating in any aspect of the event.
F. Picket line watches will be detailed during the hours of darkness and at any other time the cavalry commander deems it necessary for the physical safety of the cavalry units or event spectators.
G. No person under the age of 16 will mount a horse as a combatant or serve in a mounted capacity of any type unless specifically authorized by the cavalry commander and the overall Federal army commanding officer.
H. Physical abuse of horses as specified by the state laws prevailing at the event will be grounds for immediate expulsion from the event.
I. Horses will be ridden on the event grounds only by troopers or staff designated by the command adjutant. Civilians, spectators and visitors will absolutely not be allowed to mount any horse
. J. All horses will be picketed in the designated cavalry camp with the exception of staff horses designated by the command adjutant.
K. No horse will be allowed to be picketed in any vehicle parking area at any time.
L. Any horse entering an event must have a valid current copy of the Coggins test. A health certificate may also be required by the event sponsors.
M. Stallions will not be permitted to participate in any event in any manner.
N. Any horse drawn conveyance must be approved by the event sponsors prior to the event.
O. No list of rules or guidelines can completely address all situations. The cavalry commander will have the final decision in any situation or dispute involving horse, rider or dismounted cavalry trooper.
B. Unit commanders may serve as platoon leaders or squad leaders as an NCO if the unit fields more than 12 combat troopers.
C. The designated cavalry commander will appoint cavalry officers and NCO’s based on individual experience and past performance of leaders at previous events.
D. No mounted unit will be allowed to register as couriers for infantry units or infantry escorts. Acceptance of registration is for Federal combat cavalry only. Individuals desiring to act as staff personnel must obtain consent of the cavalry commander and the overall Federal commanding officer.
E. The Federal commanding officer’s adjutant will decide on the scene the need for couriers or escorts and inform the cavalry commander. The cavalry commander will detach selected members from the combat force to fulfill these duties.
F. All registrants accepted as cavalry will participate in all drills, demonstrations, battles and camp routines. Reasonable cause from absence from any cavalry movement will be determined by the cavalry commander and the individual’s senior member of the registered unit.
G. The contact registering any cavalry unit will be responsible for informing the unit of the conditions stated within these rules for engagement, camp routine and organization. Any individual or unit found in violation of the rules will be removed from the event by security officials.
B. Shell jackets will be US mounted services, 4 button sack coat or 9-button roundabout. Color is dark blue.
C. Hats will be federal kepi or forage type for officers and forage cap for enlisted. Hardee hats are acceptable.
D. Footwear will be black riding boots of the 1860’s era or period brogans. Spurs are optional.
E. Shirts, socks, vest and other miscellaneous clothing will be of period issue or homespun.
F. All leather accouterments will be 1860’s civil war Federal issue and black in color.
G. Carbines will be breech loading Federal isse.
H. Sabers will be period Federal issue only.
I. Revolvers will be period Federal issue. It is desired, but not absolutely necessary that each trooper be equipped with revolver, saber and carbine.
J. Canteens will be required for every Federal cavalry man on the field.
K. In the interest of achieving a large Federal trunout, the uniforms and equipment do not have to be absolutely correct. Each unit or individual registered will be inspected for reasonable Federal standards during the weapon safety inspection prior to taking the field. Those individuals not meeting minimum qualifying standards will be given the opportunity to correct the disqualifying items. The same standards will apply to horse tack.
L. Non-issue clothing or gear such as neckerchiefs, coon tails, feathers, bowie knives, shotguns, leggings, slouch hats, etc… will not be allowed.
M. The cavalry commanding officer will appoint a weapons safety officer to inspect all arms of every participant prior to taking the field for any event or maneuver. Any weapon found to be unsafe or defective will be disqualified from use. The participate carrying a disqualified weapon must demonstrate repair or replacement to the designated safety officer prior to camp departure for an engagement or enter the engagement without the arm in question.
B. Saddle blankets will be the blue wool with orange trim band issued for Federal use.
C. Required equipment will be headstall, military curb bitwith curb chain, halter, lead line, link strap, military reins and surcingle. All leather is to be black. Breast straps and cruppers are optional .
D. Horse breed or gaited horses are at the rider’s discretion. However, no spotted horses, Appaloosa or colors unacceptable to civil war era use will be permitted.
E. Bed rolls and other horse furniture will conform to the types in common use during the Civil War equipment will be tolerated for temporary use by troopers in their first year of service on the field.
F. No field equipment of Indian War era or later will be authorized for use on the field. Modified 04 equipment will be tolerated for temporary use by troopers in their first year of service on the field.
G. Absolutely no western or English riding equipment will be authorized for use in a Civil War era event.
H. Questionable equipment will be inspected by the cavalry commander and the senior NCO in the camp for acceptance. The decision of the inspecting officers will govern the use of the equipment in question.
2) Properly tacking all staff horses prior to required use and the removal of equipment following field use.
3) Scheduled feeding and picket line manure/debris cleanup.
4) Picket line safety watches during the hours of darkness and when safety watches are required during open camp hours to spectators and visitors.
5) Courier duty to pass required information to various army service branches and other officers that are not in the headquarters camp.
6) Maintenance of a proper picket line for all staff horses and mounted escorts.
C. The senior mounted escort will report to the cavalry commanding officer for morning reports, the need for additional assistance and any problems occurring within the escort detachment.
D. All mounted escorts will respond to requests by staff officers for assistance in equine related matters. Help will be rendered in a positive and timely manner.
E. No person under the age of 16 will act as a mounted escort or courier. Mounted riders under the age of 16 must perform as a functional musician to be present on the field during combat or demonstration. All musicians will remain clear of combat scenarios.
While units officers and NCO’s are held responsible for the actions of their unit members, it still remains that EVERY UNIT MEMBER IS A RESPONSIBLE ADULT! |
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