43d Insignia


43d Infantry Division, Winged Victory Division, Veterans Association


A Brief History


The 43d Infantry Division became an active National Guard unit in 1923 in accordance with the National Defense Act of 1916. Originally there were two infantry brigades, the 85th in Connecticut, and the 86th in Vermont. The 85th Brigade consisted of the 102d Infantry and the 169th Infantry Regiments both in Connecticut. The 86th Brigade was made up of the 172d Infantry Regiment in Vermont and the 103d Infantry Regiment in Maine. The 68th Field Artillery Brigade located in Providence, Rhode Island consisted of the 103d Field Artillery Regiment in Providence, the 192d Field Artillery Regiment in Connecticut and the 152d Field Artillery Regiment in Maine. The Division Headquarters was located in Hartford, Connecticut. Special units were spread throughout those four New England states.

Camp Blanding, FL - 1941
Camp Blanding, FL - 1941
On February 24, 1941 the Division entered Federal service for one year at the call of the President. That year was extended for the duration after the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor by Japanese armed forces. In February 1942 the Division underwent a complete reorganization to a "triangular division" concept. The brigades were abolished, the artillery regiments were reduced to battalions and other reductions took place. The 102d Infantry Regiment was detached from the Division. It became a separate infantry regiment deploying to the Pacific.


Camp Blanding, FL - 1995
Camp Blanding, FL - 1995
Initially assigned to Camp Blanding, Florida, the Division later trained at Camp Shelby, Mississippi and Ft. Ord, California. From Ft. Ord the Division embarked on ships for the South Pacific. The Division less the 172d Regimental Combat team, consisting of the 172d Infantry Regiment, the 103d Field Artillery Battalion and elements of Ordnance, Engineer Medical and Signal Units, closed in New Zealand in October, 1942. The 172d Infantry Combat Team met with disaster at Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides on October 26, 1942. The liner President Coolidge on which it was embarked struck two US planted mines in the harbor. The only military casualty was Captain Elwood Euart, 103d Field Artillery, who died while rescuing some of his troops. For his bravery Captain Euart was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the second highest medal for heroism authorized by the United States Army.

This event delayed the Division's entrance into combat in the South Pacific area. In November the Division, minus the 172d Regimental Combat Team, went on to New Caledonia. After a concentrated training period, the Division deployed to Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands in February 1943. This served as the staging area for the next move - to the Russell Islands, also in the Solomons. The Russells proved to be unoccupied by Japs. Further jungle and realistic combat training took place. In June and early July 1943 the Division landed on Rendova and New Georgia Islands. The objective here was to take the Munda Airfield on which the Japs had started construction. The Division augmented by elements of the 37th and 25th Infantry Divisions secured the air strip in early August 1943.

New Zealand - 1944
New Zealand - 1944
In December 1943/January 1944 the Division returned to New Zealand. After a period of rest and relaxation during which the soldiers of the 43d became fast friends with the Kiwis, a friendship that endures to this day, the 43d absorbed many replacements. Vigorous and intensive training took place for several months. In July 1944 the Division became a part of the force driving the Japs from New Guinea. Landing at Aitape the 43d prevented the Japs from reinforcing their troops along the Drinimour River. This successful campaign evolved into preparation for the invasion of the Philippine Islands.


Munda, New Georgia - 1943
Munda, New Georgia - 1943
On January 9, 1945, the 43d Infantry Division participated in the amphibious landing at Lingayen Gulf, Luzon. After several months of almost continuous combat, the Division welcomed the explosion of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs. In September 1945 the 43d became one of the first Divisions to occupy Japan. Their stay there was short, however, for in October 1945 the 43d Infantry Division was deactivated at Camp Stoneman, California.


Japanese Supply Dump - Luzon, PI - 1945
Japanese Supply Dump - Luzon, PI - 1945
The 43d Division is known as the "Winged Victory Division" derived from the name of its long time combat commander, MG Leonard F. Wing. One of the many distinctions achieved by the 43d - it was the only division to serve in four theaters of the Pacific campaign - South Pacific, Southwest Pacific, Philippines and Japan.




During its four years and eight months of active duty the Division suffered the following casualties :

Killed in Action : 1561   Wounded in Action : 6049

and was awarded the following decorations :

Japanese POWs - Luzon, PI - 1945
Japanese POWs - Luzon, PI - 1945
Congressional Medal of Honor: 2
Distinguished Service Cross: 71
Distinguished Service Medal: 1
Silver Star: 987
Legion of Merit : 90
Bronze Star: 2947
Purple Heart: 7610
Soldier's Medal: 63
Air Medal: 31
LTC Bradt's (169th FA) Birthday - New Georgia - 943
LTC Bradt's (169th FA) Birthday
New Georgia - 1943


Grumman Fighter - Munda - 1943
Grumman Fighter - Munda - 1943
In 1946 the Division was reorganized as a National Guard division. In this reorganization only the states of Connecticut, Vermont and Rhode Island were included in the makeup of the Division. The 172d Infantry with the 206th Field Artillery (105H) with elements of other combat support units made up the Vermont allocation. The Division Headquarters, 102d and 169th Infantry regiments with the 963d Field Artillery (105H0 and the 192d Field Artillery (105H) with detachments of combat support were organized in Connecticut. In addition, the 143d Tank Battalion joined the Division from that state. In Rhode Island the 43d Division Artillery Headquarters, the 103d FA (155H), the 118th Engineer Battalion (C) and the 43d Signal Company plus elements of combat support units made up that state's contribution.


Japanese Interpreters - Japan - 1945
Japanese Interpreters - Japan - 1945
In September 1950 the Division once again answered the call of the President when the North Koreans invaded South Korea. After intensive training at Camp Pickett, Virginia, the 43d deployed to Germany to join the NATO forces containing the Warsaw Pact nations in western Europe. Training, extensive field maneuvers, and the occupation of blocking positions were the Division's lot for almost three years. In 1953 the 43d was redesignated the 5th Infantry Division. The colors of the 43d were returned to Hartford, Connecticut with appropriate ceremonies.

In 1953 a reconstituted Division took its place with the other National Guard Divisions on the Army's rolls. In 1963, in one of the many down-sizings of the Armed Forces, the Division left active National Guard service. The 43d Infantry Division Veterans Association continues today that prestigious heritage with its 1600 plus members.


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Past National Commanders


Chester McCoid * CT 1998-1999
Normand Chabot ME 1997-1998
Harold R. Barker * RI 1947-1948
Ernest W. Gibson * VT 1948-1949
Harold C. Marden * ME 1949-1950
Elmer S. Watson * CT 1950-1951
James S. Holden * VT 1951-1952
Chester A. Files * RI 1952-1953
James W. Devine * ME 1953-1954
Louis W. Schaefer * CT 1954-1955
Jamees T. Walsh * VT 1955-1956
J. Gardner Conway RI 1956-1957
Romeo L. Bedard * ME 1957-1958
Harry Schwolsky * CT 1958-1959
R. Clarke Smith VT 1959-1960
Sarando Sarganis RI 1960-1961
Paul W. Bean * ME 1961-1962
Herbert E. Welsh * CT 1962-1963
Dr. Henry M. Farmer * VT 1963-1964
Ernest G. Firth RI 1964-1965
Robert E. Jensen * ME 1965-1966
Stewart E. Colpitts * CT 1966-1967
Arthur L. Sessions * VT 1967-1968
Albert A. Walsh RI 1968-1969
Carroll Farrington * ME 1969-1970
Louis Bartolucci CT 1970-1971
Willam Cutting * VT 1971-1972
Robert Arcand * RI 1972-1973
Myron Pierce ME 1973-1974
A. Kenneth Palmer * CT 1974-1975
Alfred Pierce * VT 1975-1976
Charles W. Quinn * RI 1976-1977
Thomas J. Maroon ME 1977-1978
Robert C. Mantel CT 1978-1979
Warren C. Major * VT 1979-1980
John W. McDonough RI 1980-1981
Edward I. Chappell ME 1981-1982
Herbert H. Stielau CT 1982-1983
Roy Sweet VT 1983-1984
Howard F. Brown RI 1984-1985
Allen Caldwell ME 1985-1986
Joseph Cannata * CT 1986-1987
Louis D. Calarco * VT 1987-1988
Romano J. Del Rossi RI 1988-1989
J. Paul Whitten * ME 1989-1990
James Salafia CT 1990-1991
Ralph T. Knox Jr VT 1991-1992
Vincent Calvitto RI 1992-1993
Harold Joseph ME 1993-1994
Edwin M. Perkins CT 1994-1995
Ralph T. Knox Jr VT 1995-1996
Christos J. Evangelos RI 1996-1997
* - Deceased


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