Rules for joining the Petsburgh Pups Webring |
The site must be in the Geocities Petsburgh Community |
The site MUST be about dogs (no cyberpets please)! |
No obscene or offensive content whatsoever! |
No sites about animal cruelty of any kind will be allowed! |
The site must have some content, not just a bunch of links |
Steps for joining the Petsburgh Pups Webring |
Step 1: Fill out the form below to enter your site into the Queue |
Step 2: Save the two graphics for the ring and upload them to your server |
Step 3: Put the HTML code on your page |
Step 4: Email us with your site number and URL after you have the HTML code on your page to be added to the ring |
*Note: You have 14 days to put the HTML code on your page and email us before you will have to resubmit your site |
Submit site to The Petsburgh Pups Webring |
Site Title: | |
Site URL: | |
Name: | |
E-mail: | |
Password: |
Keywords: | Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: | Enter a short description of your site.
If you are already in the ring and need to edit your site information,
enter your site id, and password below to log into Webring Management. Forgot your password?
This Petsburgh Pups Webring site is owned by Whiskey & Gypsy.
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