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5/29/93 - 5/16/05 So sad to report that Dixie Doodle passed away on the afternoon of Monday May 16th, 2005. She is survived by her parents, her 2 boston brothers Geordi J. and Stoney Creek's Ted's Toby, 1 cat brother - Murphy, and Bird brother - Hawkeye. She was predeceased by her big boston brother - Doogie. Dixie fought for 4 months with hemangiosarcoma of the right atrium of her heart. She was a real trooper and tried so hard to keep going for us. However on Monday, after discovering that she could no longer swallow her food or water, (Obviously, the tumor was blocking the way), we had to make the decision to either let her starve to death, (she had already lost from her normal skinny 12 pounds down to 9 pounds), or to give her eternal rest. We could not watch her suffer any longer. I pray there is a doggy heaven and that Dixie and Doogie are having a blast with each other right now, and being the dog person that my Dad was, I hope he is there with them too. Hi there! My name is Dixie Doodle (aka Doodles, Doodle Doo, Little Dog, Little Girl) and I am 11 years old. I'm a lot smaller than my stinky brother Doogie was (37 lbs). However, I could always put him in his place anytime. I could pick on him and bite him and run faster than him so he couldn't catch me. Sometimes I would run under the couch or chair to get away from him or to hide toys. He was too big to follow me under the furniture. I'm still not to crazy about the new cat we have and I miss playing with Geordi. I don't miss him and Doogie fighting all the time though, because it made me scared. My Mom and Dad love me very much and they spoil me all the time. My Top Ten List:
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