(Win95; I) [Netscape]"> camping



Wilderness Survival

I have just come back from my  first camping trip.  It was very exciting.  I saw caves,  waterfalls and two bears.  When I told everyone that I was going to spend a weekend in the wilderness, some people doubted that  a dog with my delicate constitution would survive in such primitive surroundings. But I faced the challenges and conquered them!

 I must admit my mum had me worried when the first place we stopped was at some caves.  They were cold and damp and lumpy looking.  They did not look at all like a nice place to sleep. I was afraid she would start unpacking the sleeping bags she had brought!  How would YOU like to sleep in a place like this?

I was quite relieved when after a good sniff around we headed back to the car.  We drove to the nearest town and bought some barbequed chicken and cole slaw.  I do not like cole slaw much but my mother does not like the chicken that much so it works out well when we share a meal.  Then she drove us off into a the woods to a  campsite by a lake and guess what! She started making up our bed right in the car...we had the big one where you can put the back seat down.  She had a piece of 2" foam and the sleeping bags and my blanket so I would feel at home.   When I tried the bed out I found it was not as soft as the one at home but not bad for roughing it.

The next day we drove along the side of a very nice lake and every few miles we would stop and go for a walk in the woods.  My mother said I had to stay on the leash because we might meet up with a bear.  (She is a little bit afraid of bears.) Here I am by Myra Falls.  It was mid afternoon and it had been a hot walk.

This was our last stop of the day.  We were just getting back into the car and look what we saw!

I was already in my seat and mum was just in and had not shut the door when we saw them.  It is a good thing we had read the signs that told you what to do.  The sign said not to scare the bears so we just sat there very quietly.  The bears looked at us but they just kept going.  They walk very quickly which is why the picture is a little blurry even though they were very near. My mother was pleased with me because I did not bark.  That is just because I am a natural for these wilderness excursions. You do not find me losing my cool in an emergency situation. Now that I have proved my mettle I will expect them to take me camping all the time....as long as it doesn't rain.

If you would like to see the places we visited you should check our our site on Vancouver Island.  Our camping trip is described on the page called  Piddlin' Around North Strathacona Park