Lap Dogs

A lot of people think that a lap dog is just any dog that is small enough to comfortably fit in a lap. They could not be more mistaken. Being a lap dog is a state of mind. Size has nothing to do with it. Many is the person who has bought a Scotty or a Jack Russell Terrier thinking they had a lap dog. These cousins of mine are small but very independent and most of them would never tolerate the kind of mauling and fondling that I just thrive on!
On mum's lapThe only relevance the size of a dog has is that if you are a largish dog, you and your companion persons will have to be a little more creative to find ways to cuddle comfortably....foot stools extend lap space nicely. Couches are good....if you spill over the edges of the lap a little it doesn't matter. It is the thought and the closeness that counts.

Mum and me napping
Me on Dad's lapMy mother has this theory. She says the reason that "muscle dogs" like me are so popular with tough looking young men is because we are such softies and so cuddly but no one could guess it to look at us. She thinks that the tough guys are like that too! So they probably go home and cuddle their dogs all night just like everyone else. That sounds reasonable to me. I always try to give everyone a chance to have a cuddle.
Me on Glen's lap
This is me with Glen. He pretends he does not like dogs but he can't fool me.

Sometimes when we have several guests it is difficult to make them all feel included.  I do not like anyone to feel snubbed so it is at times like this that I am glad that I am a larger than average lap dog.  I would like to see one of you little guys do this.

The piece of furniture we are sitting on is called a love seat.
I would say it is aptly named. Isn't this a cozy scene?