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When you first get your Iguana you will more then likely get a glass aquarium with it. While this tank is fine for your Iguana at this age he/she will grow very fast and you will have to provide more room. When that time comes you will have to make a room for your Iguana. Some people have spare rooms that they turn into a small palace for them. I myself had my hubby make a 4x4x6 play pen for Dawg.

dawg cage

As time goes on we will have to expand this cage and give him more room. We have built it so that we can add more rooms to it. I would like to give him a 3 story house to run in :)

Special lighting is needed to provide the benifits of sunlight. These full-spectrum fluorescent lights produce ultraviolet B and have a CRI of at 90. They must be no further then 18 inches from the Iguana. It should be put on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours. These bulbs should be replaced about every 9-12 months. To properly digest thier food they must be able to bask in a area that remains between 88-92F for at least 12 hours a day. The rest of thier enclosure should be different so they can have a cool place to go to.

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