Well Hello again! I was first accepted to CLAW on Sunday, January 4, 1998. It was the proudest day of my life! Queen Midnight wrote to me and just made me so happy! I still have the letter to this day! I also have a CLAW Coffee Cup, and I get my nightly touch of warm milk in it! (Strictly for medicinal purposes mind you!) I am a very proud member of the Victorian Cats Society Through CLAW and the Older Cats Society, I was privilidged to adopt two Purr Scouts and be their GrandKitty! They are Oliver Berrier and Sir Wally of Peke Avenue. They have been the joys of my life and such a beam of sunshine! I am working on a very special project for them both right now! It's hidden in my Hobby Room! But as soon as it is finished I will enjoy surprising them with it! I am taking classes now at the New CLAW seminary. I can't wait to learn all there is to learn! On August 22,1999, I graduated from the OLD CLAW University with a Bachelor of CLAW Catship! AAAND!....My Masters in Feline Sciences!! Puuurrrrr! I am so very proud!! Now I am going on to study even more! The Proud Graduate! CLAW-We Purr and Serve! Has been such an educational experience for me, and a chance to meet some wonderful Kitties who are very knowledgable about their homes and humans! Soon I will get you a complete list of their pages so you too can learn how to be a great Kitty! But the best advice I can give is, if you haven't joined yet, all Kitties should join CLAW! You will be surprised at what you can learn! Now perhaps you would like to just look around the rest of my pages! Take your time and don't hurry! Everything will be here! If you should get a nasty oops page or a error that the server could not connect, just try again. Everything is here that I have linked and you must believe a Kitty over a dumb server!! Meraw! And this special note to all my CLAW siblings!! Thank you for always being there for me! You are so wonderful on my Birthday and when sad things happen! I love you all! I have also attended the Birthday party of my Dear Oliver Berriers Sister-Olivia! She was so generous! She gave us Cake & Ice Cream! And party favors & Hats! It was truly a party to attend! I am studying hard in the new CLAW, and I invite all Kitties that want to improve who they are and have a happier life, join CLAW today! Page Authored by Cat with a lot of help from the FurKidz! ©1997-2001 All Rights Reserved