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  My Own Story!  
  Baby Bird  
  Hello there! Here it is, the story of my life!  
  On or around May 18th, 1987, I was born in St. Mary's County, Maryland. I was one of many in several litters that were not suppose to be born. But we were. I ran wild for the first three months of my life and was quite a dangerous Cat! About the time I was three months old, the man who had my real Kitty Meowmie and Fafur, decided that our generation was not suppose to be and went to find us in the woods where we made our home. But my Hooman Meowmie now, and her Sister, My Auntie Karen, decided to save us!! I think I was the only one who really wanted to be caught because that sad day I was the only one captured, and the only one allowed to live.  
  I did put up quite a fight and I remember that my Auntie Karen held me for hours in many many towels, while I fought and hissed and growled! Then my now Meowmie reached over and got to hold me, I was still growling, but I relaxed a little. She sang to me and made me feel so nice. Then she took me to a place called a "car". YUK! I was put in a carrier-stupid things. And I had to fight again! I fought for a very long time this time, because when I finally went to sleep, I woke up in a strange land with different smells, called-Indiana. ooooooooo!! Many many woods! But I had to go into a "house" and I hid for three days until I got very hungry! When I titptoed out, my new Meowmie was asleep, but she woke up right away! She has "Cat" in her you know!  
  Well she didn't pounce on me, she just sat there, like she didn't see me.....but I was not fooled! This was the oldest Cat trick in the book! I fooled her then, I went over and rubbed on her, but she wouldn't pet me! So I rubbed harder and rolled around on the floor! Then she dropped her hand! Success! I went straight to it and let her pet me! The next day she made one terrible mistake, she thought I was calmer!! Ha Ha!! The very minute she opened the door to step out I zoomed through it! Outside!! YAY!  
  I must tell you here, that the Hoomans that had me before had already named me Baby. So my Meowmie spent days yelling that name at me all over the woods where I was hiding! But I would not answer her! I was free!  
  Now then, during this time I met a fella. He was kinda rugged and this wild orange color! I took a liking to him instantly! We had a bit of a trist out there in those woods! You must remember that I was very young and naive. Anyway, by the fourth day, my new Meowmie was still calling me but she was starting to sound really sad! Finally I gave up. I was tired and hungry and not use to all the furry creatures in these Indiana woods! My hunka hunka hadn't been around for a few days, and I needed to be petted again really bad! So I ran at my Meowmie just as fast as I had run away! Scared her to death! But I let her pick me up and hold me for just a second!  
  Well guess what? I was pregnant! The Man and his wife person said I couldn't get pregnant because the litters were overbred and there was a defect. Dummy! Well, I had a terrible time, first because I was so young, and second because the defect was the opposite of what was originally thought. My Ovaries were not no no. they were oversized! Because of this I remained in heat during the entire pregnancy. By the time I was three weeks away from delivery, I started to have the kittens! My Meowmie rushed me to the Vet and he had to keep me there and give me shots! The next morning it seemed like it had all stopped so I got to go home. But in less than a week it started again. The Vet told my Meowmie that no more shots could be given and that now she had to watch me closely. My life was in danger. I managed to hold on one more week then Kaboom! I had one loud MEOW and five kittens. Four were dead at birth but one little guy fought hard. He was sooo tiny! Meowmie rushed me to the Vet again, I was not doing well, he kept my kitten with me for three days then gave him to my Meowmie to take home. She raised him from that point on.  
  In the mean time, I spent three weeks at the Vet recuperating. He had to spay me immediatly but I was so sick! I finally got to go home. But I was a sad looking Kitty. Less than one inch wide. My Meowmie held me and kept me warm, she let me sniff the new Kitty....I never made milk for him.  
  But then I did get better and stronger and so did the Kitty! We named him Siam because he looked like he was oriental. But during my recovery time, I spent a lot of time in the window. I watched the Birds outside and began to imitate them. I found I could sing just like some of them! So I would sit for hours and sing bird songs! Really! My Meowmie then added my real name! She started calling me her Bird! So I kept the Baby part but always answer only to the Bird part!! I know I am in trouble when my Meowmie uses my whole name! Baby Bird!  
  Now I live a pretty nice life! For a feral Cat who should have been a show queen, we were the top of the line you know, I think I did pretty darn good. My Meowmie loves me so much and makes sure I never want for anything in the world. We always have brush time and headbutt time and bird-singing time!  
  Thank you for sharing this with me! For those who have asked how I got my name, well now you know! Maybe it seems silly to some, but evertyone knows that a Cat chooses it's own name. I like Bird! It fits me well!  
  Baby Bird  
   Page Authored by Cat Cat! ©1997,1998,1999  
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