Grab hold here to get out of someones frames! butterfly!!
butterfly!! you get to meet Flame and Burke!!  
  Siam, Baby Bird, Kingsford & Leopold, would like to take a moment and bid farewell to our Flame. After a valiant fight with Cancer, Flame passed over to the Rainbow Bridge, May 13th, 1999. We will update this page eventually, but for now, it brings us joy to remember her as she was.  
  Now you will get to meet Flame and Burke!  
  But you have to be quiet!! They are sleeping!! Shhhh!  
Cats in Cyber space!!!
  Flame had a really hard day on the ol' puter!!  
  After she gave us great ideas and emailed us a whole bunch of  
  stuff, I guess she was just tuckered out!  
  Now meet Burke!  
Muscle Cat on the rebound!!!
  Shhh! He's just restin' till Art and Karen get home!  
  Thats the really busy busy time!!  
  Wait!! They must be coming through the door!!  
And what's this??? Wake up Daddy!! I rested all day for you!!  
An Irish Lullabye!!
  Oh woe is me!! Now what do I do??  
  I think I'll go find Flame and play with her!!  
  Oh Flame!!! Are you ready to play now!!  
Hi Meowmy Karen!! See us play??
  Best friends know how to get along!!  
  FOOD!!! Back to the Portrait Studio!! Back to the very beginning!  
  Caring Pet Links!! Visit our Rings!!  
  Email Us!! butterfly!!
  Thanks so much for dropping in! We hoped you like our  
  demonstration on sleep therapy! We worked really hard  
  to make this entertaining!  
CatStuff butterfly!!
  Good bye Flame and sweet dreams to you.  
   Page Authored by Cat Cat! ©1997,1998,1999  
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