Grab hold here to get out of someones frames!  
  Hello there!  
  My Personal Portfolio!  
Well here we go with the photos!
This is my baby picture with my Mom, Baby Bird
This was taken in early January 1988.
We are quite a team, my Mom and me!
This is what a baby Lion Cat looks like!
And here I am at two months! I just keep getting cuter all
the time!
Sometimes I amaze myself at how adorable I can be!
Course-it still doesn't get me out of Vet visits!
That was my favorite Circus Tent in the world!
And do you know the darn thing shrank?
I guess they just don't make Circus Tents like they used to!
And then my teenage years! Wasn't I a one goodlooking Cat?
Yeah, well some people weren't impressed! Can you believe that?
One climb up the curtains and you are treated like a criminal!
Personally I think they were cheap curtains! They wouldn't
have torn that easily if they weren't!
  Cats are generous! We let humans think they own us!!  
Now I am much older and wiser! I learned that
sleep is a really fun thing! At least when I have
nothing else to do!
But midnight attacks are not completely off my
Which reminds me...I think it is getting close to
that time right now!
Why don't you go and visit my Mom and see her pictures?
There aren't many-she thinks Gremlins live in the
  Bye now! Have fun in the rest of Cat World!  
  This page was provided by GEOCITIES!  
  They Love Cats, you know!  
   Page Authored by Cat Cat! ©1997,1998,1999  
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