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Cujo and Annie

Hi my name is Pequeno Cujo of Castlerock! My friends call me Cuji.
Here I am (aren't I a handsome devil!) with my wife Annie.
Mom added photos of my kids Sweet Angel Baby Tess & Chiquitica Peluchi. Check them out in
The Puppy Parlor!

A nervous Annie & Cujo waiting for the puppies to be born!

Annie can't wait to run and play again!

Cujo the expectant father!

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I have a new page Troubles Tribute. In memory of the little one I lost. And have an Award in his honor. I plan to surf the Animal pages and award this to exceptional websites. If you would like to be considered for this award, sign my guestbook with your URL and we will go check it out... To see little trouble visit his page.

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