I was picked up somewhere by the Humane Society on the morning of July 5th and my Mom thinks maybe since the day before was 4th of July, I got scared and ran, and became lost. There were alot of us that showed up at the Humane Society that day, as strays that had been picked up, or unfortunate kitties that had been simply dropped off by owners that no longer wanted us. I was one of the lucky ones. Most of the kitties that were there with me during my short stay never found homes and were euthanized.
Please, oh please, if you read no further, please at least know how very important it is for pet owners to have their pets SPAYED or NEUTERED. The number of homeless animals that are euthanized every year is just staggering.
Mom adopted me for a friend actually, but for some reason, my new owners and I just didn't click, and it was starting to look like I might end up back at the pound. So Mom came and got me and was going to keep me until she could find a home for me, cause she already had 2 cats and wasn't allowed another one where we live.
It didn't take me very long to worm my way into the hearts of just about everyone. Harley and Samantha, the two cats that already lived with Mom, hated each other so much, they had not been able to establish who was the Alpha Cat. For some reason, both of them liked me, and I liked them, so I just took over and became the Alpha Cat, with no argument from either of them. Guess you could say I brought some much welcome peace and tranquility to this house. Harley finally has someone who will play with him, and Samantha ... well, she is just glad that Harley is now distracted enough to leave her alone!
Well, you guessed it, how could Mom possibly give me up? Of course she couldn't, so here I am, still here 3 years later. Since all of us kitties are indoor cats, no one really knows that we're over our allowed limit of cats where we live ... When Mom is home, we do get to go outside in the back yard that she has gone to alot of trouble to make sure we cannot get out of, and unfortunately, has succeeded.
I love the back yard ... we have bird feeders, and squirrels, and a pond with goldfish in it. Just about everything a cat could want. So far, I have been unable to catch any goldfish, but I will never give up trying! This Spring, I caught a baby squirrel when it's Mom dropped it. My Mom was such a spoil-sport though - she took it away from me before I could hurt it ... after all the years I have spent trying to catch one of those guys!
Thanks for stopping by and learning more about me. You can send me e-mail if you like ... I would love that almost as much as you signing my guestbook!
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