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American Pit Bull Terrier
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Our American Pit Bull Terriers have great temperaments, and many of them are raised in home with our children. All dogs are ADBA or UKC/ADBA registered and most are DNA profiled and/or tattoo identified. I am a member of the ADOA, EBA and NAPBTA. I enjoy having this fun-loving, athletic, intelligent and loyal breed of dog. I own them as pets, and enjoy showing them on occasion as well. They are considered a part of our family. Thank you for your visit, and come back often.
Also see Frosty and Loney in the latest edition of the new magazine "Bully Breeds", put out by the publishers of Dog Fancy! (Sold at your local PetSmart store).
Choose where to go from the table below. Enjoy!
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to visit since December 25, 2000.

Click here to hear the "PIT BULL SONG"!
Our dogs are supplimented with and we recommend

Please feel free to correspond with us by email or by slow mail at:
PO BOX 1045
FRAZER, PA 19355

Created By MCB, Blockhead Bulldogs
© 1999-2005 Blockhead Bulldogs. All images belong to Blockhead Bulldogs unless otherwise noted. Please ASK before you take.
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