Senta and I have become friends now.. but sometimes she does loose patients with me... but what can i say? i am still just a pup.....
At 3 months I did it up big time crawling on some boards, and one slid on my foot while mom was gone.. this isnt as bad as it looks. I broke 2 of my little toes. I was so glad to see mom when she got home... it was off to the vet ASAP!! but dont let this fool ya.. can zoom around here fast as ever!! Hopefully in another week it will come off..
Off comes the splint now look what they are making me wear now?? tsk tsk.. I am totally not a happy puppy! How in the heck and I suppose to get around in this contraption... ( mom will sneak it off and long as i dont lick at my foot)Oh hummm back for a check up in one week..then maybe things will be back to normal!!
We went to visit friends at a campground and mom sat me up on this scratchy stump.. boy.. couldnt wait to get down! I had lots of fun getting dirty too..
I love to sit under the desk when mom is on the puter... most of the time i try to whine so i can get up in her lap....
All is well now..I am 5 months old.. spayed and back to my Boston antics and I will be adding more pics as i grow. I am adding a picture album of Senta and I together.. please hit the next button to view it.
Oh my gosh. Mom is slacking off on the pics. I will be one yr old in April 2003
So far I have kept the house lively and love to dive and run under the furniture or beg to go by by.. then run when she wants to put on my coat... being so silly is fun! But I am a Boston so what do you expect of me mom? Run run run as fast as you can you cant catch me I am the gingerbread man...
I told my mom.. get with it and catch up on my page..! Its been awhile and she needs to update with more pics! sheesh.... that ole dobe page has more on it than mine! grrrrr i am jealous.. cuz i am the cutier one...
lets start with my 2nd bd party.. gads i hate these hats!
Here's my with my new friend Charlie! He goes trucking with his owner Andrew.I thought Mr Charlie was very cute...(wink wink)
This is Xmas of 2004.
Mom gets camera crazy..think I should always be posing for pictures..LOL
sit, stay, look!
(July 4th 2004)Here mom made me put on another outfit... Now she says she is gonna take me down town to watch the parade in it...grrrrr.. how embarrassing.. what moms wont do.....!!!
Halloween 2004.. mom drags me to costumes contests... UGH! well i did win 3rd place at the Picky Puppy place today for the '"cutiest" then we went to another place and got a ribbon. Now what will she have in mind for Xmas??
Ok moms done it again!! NOW I am suppose to dress like one of those little green people .. cant think of their names but I am 'very' uhappy about this pic!! Can ya tell??
Now this about takes the cake! AN EASTER BUMMY!! Thats what I call it! what does she think I am a twin to that thing next to me... I cant wait till this picture taken is over with and I am gonna rip that thing to shreds! (VBG)