"Utility Training"

We have decided to continue on to the Utility Dog title, so this is one of the first steps taken. The articles. Did you say articles??..Yes they are simular to dumbells used in Open A.. but one is leather and the other is Tin. They are custom made to fit your dogs mouth. Here in the picture you will see what they are. So when someone mentions "articles' you will know what they are!

They are placed and tied down on a peg board..One is not tied down and has your scent on it..that is the one I am to go get and bring back to mom. Starting out with just one tied, then you add to the board. I am so far doing pretty good.. anyways my mom thinks so *G*.

Left picture is the leather articles and the right is the tin. This gives you an idea of what goes on in the article training with them tied down and me scenting out the one i need to get