Howdy folks! I'm Stubby, another seal point siamese, & the 3rd Mouse-Kitteer.
I am the outdoor kitty in the family. But I don't mind because mom is taking such good care of me. I started to "join" the family back in January of 1998. I was a stray and I was hanging around mom & dad's house a lot. They would try and come near me, but I would run away. So mom just kept putting some food & water outside for me, I sure appreciated that...birds & rats, etc. get old quick!
Well, after about 6 months of running every time I saw a human, one night I was at my food bowl eating & I let mom pet me! I thought she was going to "jump through the ceiling" with excitement. I have to admit, I enjoyed it too! *g* Once I started to feel more comfortable, I would even let her hold me and sometimes I'd fall asleep on her lap. It felt so good to have someone love me and mom was so sweet, if I wanted down she wouldn't make me stay against my will.
I love living with my family. I have 2 brothers that I am slowly getting to know. I am still a little shy, but when mom opens the door I come running inside the house and check everything out and Simba & Baloo are really sweet to me. They love to sniff me and they have never even hissed or swatted at me (I do all the hissing). I think I just might have to move inside one of these days! But mom & dad need a bigger house for all three of us, their place now is pretty small, not alot of room for running and being silly cats.
November 27, 1998: There have been some changes in Mom & Dad's household! For one, mom is now pregnant with a little one, all us cats are hoping for a little boy, but we get what we get! Second, I have moved inside! One day I got into the house & they have had a very hard time getting me to leave. Since I am not thrilled with the idea of using a litterbox they still put me outside so that I will go potty instead of going somewhere in the house! I don't think mom & dad would be too happy with me & I don't want to get kicked outside for good!
I love being inside. Its so warm & cozy! I even try to sleep on mom & dad's bed, but they always put me back into the living room! But Baloo is not real thrilled with me being inside. He just sits in the hallway watching for me & will only come into the kitchen to eat & then he runs back to mom & dad's bedroom. I try to be nice to him, but he wants nothing to do with me. But that's alright because I am INSIDE! Can you tell I am happy about that??? :) I'll just have to be patient with Baloo!
February 17, 1999:
This is me on my "parent's" bed! That is Baloo behind me. I have finally made my presence known. I spend most of my time inside the house. I really only go outside to go potty because I don't like that box thing they want me to use and when mom goes to work she puts me outside because I started spraying because Simba (the big chunk, he's over 20 lbs) stalks me. Baloo & I are making some progress. He still doesn't like to be near me but when I am not paying attention he comes over and sniffs me. He will even sit on the couch & on the bed with me. I just want to play with him, but still isn't real sure of me.
Well, that's it for now. I know mom has some more pictures because that flashy thing keeps going off in my face. I'm sure she will put some more soon. Please be sure to sign the guestbook to let us know you were here. And if you haven't already, check out Simba's and Baloo's pages.