Theme from "The Pink Panther"

Cat/Human Translation Page

Finally a guide to what your cat is really trying to say!

Cat is laying on it's back with the fluffy belly protruding upwards, giving you "the look"cat belly.gif
HUMAN: Ahhh look, kitty wants a belly rub.
CAT: Maybe if I look cute enough, they'll give me a can of tuna!

Cat frantically kneads your stomachcat kneading.gif
HUMAN: This cat really loves me.
CAT: Tubby has gained some weight, I'd better give him a good workout!

Cat tugs relentlessly at your hair before the alarm clock rings
cat and mouse.gif
HUMAN: Kitty wants me to get out of this nice warm bed and feed him.
CAT: I know I'll find some fun critters to play with in this rat's nest!

Cat sits on computer, keyboard, or scanner
HUMAN: This cat is always getting in
my way when I'm trying to work.
CAT: It's my web page, and I want creative control!

mean foot eating cat!
HUMAN: those things that wiggle
at the end of my feet

Due to the number of wonderful contributions from you cool cats out there, we've moved the
translations from our friends
section to a brand new page!
Click below to view these wild takes on the cat/human point of view:

Cat/Human Translations 2

Would you like to share a translation with Dog?

Enter your *catism* here:

Your name:

Site URL:

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If you'd like, you can Email your submission directly to me.
If Dog likes your translation, he will add it to this page
with a link to your site!

He will also send you this award, certifying that
you are one clever cat!

[Clever Cat Winner's Circle]



Most of the fabulous graphics on this page are from Daisys Creations

Background by Dog the cat!

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