Theme from "The Pink Panther"

Cat/Human Translations from our friends!

These fabulous and funny translations come from our friends all over the web...
Prepare for some laughs!

Texas Pepper's pet canaries are named
Sweetie, Tweetie, Cleo, and Leo
but her cats call them...
breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner!
bird and cats
Dog gives a big tail wag to this pet lover for having the fortitude to keep
birds and cats under the same roof!
Visit her managerie at: Texas Pepper's Home Page

Cat sits directly on textbooks when human is trying to study.
cats playing on the text books
HUMAN: Awe, kitty wants to be the center of attention.
CAT: Just reminding you that your sole purpose in attaining higher education is to satisfy my pounce habit and support me in the manner to which I've become accustomed... Now, back to work!
This clever translation comes from my new friend
October The Cat.
Now here's a cat that really knows what's up!

Cat lays on top of newspaper in the morning.
me reading the paper!
HUMAN: Oh, I can't read the paper while the darn cat is on it!
CAT: Hey, my stocks are up!
Thank you to the clever cats of Kitty Land
for letting us know the real deal about that newspaper thing!
Now if we could only figure out where our cats are stashing all of the money!!!

Cat sits on floor and stares intently at her human.
cat giving the stare!
HUMAN: Oh, kitty is hungry, and wants to be fed.
CAT: I never knew humans looked so funny!
Ah ha, the secret of "the stare" has been revealed!
This translation comes from Chipit, Chocolate, and Jasmine at The Cat's Meow.
Thanks guys!

Cat lays in the middle of my bed.
cats on the bed
HUMAN: Oh kitty wants me to come to bed.
CAT: Hey, I'm good. Where are you sleeping tonight?!
Now there's something all of our humans can relate to!
Many thanks to The Freaky Cats for sharing their point of view.
I guess we all know who rules in their house!!!
Visit the Freaky Cats here.

Human Singing to cat, as cat stares, turning head from side-to-side
woman singing to cat
HUMAN: "You are so beautiful-- to meeeee"
CAT: "Note to self: Human appears to be in heat. Do NOT, under any circumstances, let her out of house!"
This hysterical "catism" was provided by the beautiful and all knowing Lucille.
Now mom knows why I never want her to go outside!

Human is sitting on couch, while cat is rubbing against her leg rather frantically.
cat on the couch!
HUMAN: "Kitty needs to be fed"
CAT: (jumping into seat when human is gone) "That's my seat!"
Is there a cat lover among us who hasn't been fooled by this sneaky trick?!
Furry many thanks to Pam at People Places, and Pets for sharing this catty maneuver...
With seven cats sharing her household, I wonder how long it's been since she's been able to hog the couch!!!

Empty candy bowl (or other box or bowl item)
cat in a bowl!
HUMAN: "Now, just let me get the candy and put it in the bowl!"
CAT: "Gosh! How nice of her to put this new "bed" here for me!"
This brilliant and oh so true translation comes from sneaky little Lucifer,
and you guessed it...
that's him in the photo!
Click on the picture to visit him and his meowmie, Sassy.

Human is standing, while cat is rubbing up against his legs.
kitty leg rub
HUMAN: Ahhhhh kitty wants food.
CAT: No... all I wanna do is get this winter coat off it is really itchy!
This was sent to me by my new friend, Kiki.
Whew, now our humans will know what we really mean when we rub up against them this spring!




cat images from:
Daisys Creations Cat Stuff

Background by Dog the cat!

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