"Honky Cat"

The Dog Diaries

Here are just a few of my "tails" as told by me, Dog!
I hope you enjoy them and go away with a giggle or two!

My first trip to the vet

When I was just a baby kitty, mom took me to that wonderful place outside the windows. Now you must understand that she hadn't bought me a kitty cat carrying case yet, so I was placed in a cardboard box with little windows cut out so that I could see. Soon I was at a strange place where I was being poked and prodded, and even getting my nails clipped! Everybody there said I was very cute, but I still didn't behave very well. On the trip home, I was very wound up from this experince, and decided to escape from the little window in my box. I proceeded to climb up on mom's head for a better vantage point! To this day I can't understand why all the humans in the other cars were honking and pointing at mom, but the next day I had a brand spanking new cat carrier!

The Pizza Box Cat

You all know how much us cats enjoy a little warmth. Our favorite spot is always right next to the heater vent, or in my case, in front of the little ceramic heater in the living room. One cold Ohio night, my parents ordered a pizza. Well, while they were pigging out in front of the television, I discovered that sitting on top of a freshly delivered pizza box can be a great source of heat! Mom laughed, but I was in the dog house with dad for quite some time!

daddy gets to blow dry

As you know from my Dog House page, one of my favorite things in the world is to be blow dried by mom. One day while mom was at the computer, she heard dad screaming from the back of the house.
He was yelling,"This is your job, come tell me if I'm doing it right."
Mom was very curious, and hurried to the bathroom to see what the problem was. There I was flat on my back, gleefully purring, while dad pointed the hair dryer at my tummy!

The saga of the blue recliner chair

I'm not much of a lap cat. That is, unless you sit in the blue recliner chair! Before my humans bought the chair, I might hop up for a short chin stroke, but then I was off once again to chase imaginary birds!
Then one day this beautiful invention called a recliner chair arrived at my house. You see, I quickly figured out that once the chair was in the "laid back" position, whoever was reclining, would not be moving for quite a while!
Now, whenever mom is in need of some quality lap time, she knows just what to do!

The cat who lives next door

In January, my parents moved me to a brand new house. At first I didn't like it, and hid under the bed all day long. Then I discoved the big, furry cat that lives outside! I later found out that his name is Boss Kitty and he belongs to my neighbors. I'm very happy now because I spend my days pouncing from window to window in wild pursuit of the Boss Kitty. I havn't caught him yet, but you can bet, I'll keep trying!

The Jacket Junkie

Yes, my secret is out...
I'm addicted to jackets!
If you come to my house, I'll secretly wait to see what you'll do with your jacket. I keep my paws crossed that you won't hang it in the dreaded closet where I can't get to it. Once you've laid your outerwear on a chair, bed, or anywhere for that matter, I'll make my move! Within moments, I'll be burrowing my way into the jacket and settling down for a little coat nap!

Jacket Junkie
Wind breaker, leather, cotton, or fur
Give me your coat and I will purrrr!

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