"Circle Of Life"

My Special Friends and Gifts

This page is dedicated to some of the wonderful people I've met since starting my journey into cyber space!

I'll be introducing you to some very special friends and showing off some of the gifts I've received along the way.

Texas Pepper

Renee (AKA Texas Pepper) sent me my very first award, and we've been friends ever since. She never hesitates to lend a helping hand and always makes me smile!

gift from Texas Pepper

Marcia, Lucille, Stan, Benjamin, & Daniel

When I first visited Lucille's Place, I knew that any kitty who liked jello was just my kind of gal! Since Stan, Benjamin, and Daniel have joined the family, they've become my buddies too.

gift from Lucille

The gang sent this special gift to my meowmie for Mother's Day this year.
Mother's Day card
She says they're the sweetest kitties in the whole wide world...
Besides me, of course!

Winnie and Runtell

"The Runt" and I have so much in common, it was fate that we had to become friends!

In October, Runtell and I went treating together. Click here to see us in action!

gift from Runtell

another purresent!

Runtell is also very talented! He made me this beautiful snow globe.

Dog Snow globe

Nancy, Zena, Scraps, and Bonique

I met these beeeautiful girls when Meowmie and I visited their angel kitty big brother's site, Reflections of Bo.
We were very touched by this special memorial,
and soon after, became Email pals.
Now I affectionately call them "My Girls"
and enjoy their friendship more than ever!
Come see them playing around at Dog's Irish Pub!

Zena, Scraps, and Bonique
They sent me this purrrty picture with my Christmas card this year,
along with a stocking filled with yummy treats!

Smokey and Barb

I've been friends with Smokey and Barb since the very beginning of my career as a web cat.
Please visit Smokey's Web World because there is always something fun and special going on over there!
Smokey's Circle of Friendship Award

Catt, Shadow, Missy, & Chevy

Catt and her critters always manage to make me purrrr with delight!
Be sure to hop on over and visit their heart warming home on the web.

Christmas is the time of year when people come together from all over the world to celebrate the season. That's exactly what happened when I hosted the Secret Santa Paws Gift Exchange last year!
Even though these friends live far away, we have a bond that keeps us close. That is the love that we share for all of God's creatures!

Tany, Whisky, & Bambi

This terrific trio is from Switzerland. They always send me beeeautiful cards and gifts to celebrate the holidays or just to say hello!

kitty globe gift

adoption certificate

sweet kids

adoption certificate

The Puntomaus Cat Gang

Otherwise known as Sneakey Pie, Apple Pie, Autumn Flower, and Nishinam!
These four frisky felines hail from Germany. They have a beautiful and colorful site filled with fabulous original graphics done by their meowmie!
Right now they are celebrating their birthdays with a big bash, so be sure to stop over for some fun!
The Puntomaus Cat Gang

Friends Are Like Angels

Our friends are like angels,
Who brighten our days.
In all kinds of wonderful,
Magical ways.
Their thoughtfulness comes,
As a gift from above.
And we feel we're surrounded,
By warm, caring love.
Like upside-down rainbows,
Their smiles bring the sun.
And they fill ho-hum moments,
With laughter and fun.
Friends are like angels,
Without any wings.
Blessing our lives,
With the most precious things.

~Author Unknown~



Background by Dog the cat!

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