"Walking on the Sun"

Special Web Honors

I created this page to house the special awards and honors I've received as a kitty web master.
Each one has left me purring with delight and grinning from whisker to whisker!

Dog the cat was honored to receive the coveted Oscat Award on July 1st, 2000!
Oscat Award!

These are the special awards I've received from the Petsburgh community!

October 2-6, 1999
Petsburgh Site of the Week Award
Thank you!

Blue Ribbon Pet Award Best of Burb Award

July 2000
Paula, who is the Community Leader/Co-Liason
from Yahoo-GeoCities Petsburgh Stable neighborhood
has presented us with the Petsburgh Stable Award!
Petsburgh Stable Award
Please click on the award to visit the Stable Community Center for lots of fun and helpful links.

The Be-Mi-Kitties Gang named me as their site of the month for December, 1999.
I couldn't have been more purrroud and honored!
Be-Mi-Kitties Award
Click on the award to visit Belinda and all of the wonderful cats at Be-Mi-Kitties!

Runtell and I tied for first place at Hope's Royal Halloween Bash Costume Contest, 1999!

costume contest award
Thanks sooo much to everyone who voted for us, and to Hope and her mom for hosting this fun event!

In case you missed it, here's our costume...
The Roxbury Cats

In April 1999, Princess Hope bestowed her highest honor upon me...

Pamered Prince of the month!
Click on the award to join Hope's Club!

March 2000
Abby has presented me with her Golden Pawprint Award which she gives in recognition of superior cat sites.

Thanks Abby!



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