"People are Strange"

welcome to my people page

They're weird, they're wacky... They're my humans!

shamrock line
And you guessed it, they're Irish!

This is an extreme close up of mom.

The other humans call her Terry. She's a waitress, and lifetime college student... If you've been to college anywhere in Ohio in the past 20 years, you just might know her!

These are pictures of mom's birthday party this year.
She's the one with the sunglasses!
the neighbors and mom mom, Sara, & Rinda

This is a photo of mom when she was my age
little mom
From the looks of those glasses, I'd say she always loved cats!

paw line

Now about dad...

This is dad doing what he does best
rest and relaxation!

Dad is otherwise known around town as Jim or "Juicer"!
He just took a new job, managing a courier company, so I don't see much of him these days.

He is definitely the adventurous one in the family.
One of his latest hobbies is skydiving.
This was taken right before his very first jump!
skydiving dad
I think he looks more like a ghost buster.

This is what dad tells mom when he has done something he shouldn't have:

but mom doesn't buy it!

Every July, mom and dad take part in a local charity event called The Redneck Regatta.
dad's homemade boat!
They make silly homemade rafts and race them around the lake.
This year, dad's team took home the awards for slowest boat and most unique!

Why football season is chaos in my house!

Dad is a Steelers fanatic, Steelers.gif

but mom is a die hard Browns fan

With the "Dawgs" back this season, things should be very interesting around here. I think I'll be hiding out in the basement on Sunday afternoons!



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