"What a Wonderful World"

You've entered...Dog's Furball Photo Page

This page features photos of my beautiful cat friends from around the globe!

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This is my buddy Tyler. His hobbie is destroying shoes and purses (but only after seeing his human mother in law!) As you can see, he's always dressed and ready for a formal affair :)

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Meet Dakota and Hopi (aren't they precious?)
They also reside in my neighborhood.
Their favorite activity is swatting the dogs that live with them and sleeping in front of the fireplace!

This is Samantha.
As you can see,
she's about the smartest cat I know!
She belongs to my PCO cyberbud, Kristi.
See more of Samantha and her family!

Here's Flurry...
Ooohhh la la, I think I'm in love!
Flurry definitely can't go outside during
one of our infamous Ohio blizzards.
We'd never be able to find her!

This is Smokie.
He was adopted from Angels for Animals
and now resides happily in his new home in Salem, Ohio.
Believe it or not, his favorite activity is riding in the van!

Click below to see more great cat photos!

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