Welcome to the Puppy Zone!

Fido & Hamlet
Fido and Hamlet family photo
While mom is the crazy cat lady of the family, my uncle Paul and aunt Latecia are the dog people! This was their family Christmas photo this year!

These are my friends Cheyenne and Speedy. They live with mom's cyber pal, Mary.
You can see her kitties at My Furball Photo Page
Cheyenne & John

Brotherly Love!
brotherly love

This is the cute and cuddly Wrigley.
He is 2&1/2 years old and loves to swim in Lake Michigan!
He lets mom's friend, Cubby, live with him!

Bula the barking Basset
Bula is one of my favorite dogs on the web! She has her own site that you can visit by clicking on her picture.
She is 10 years old and lives happily in Wisconsin with Heather and family. Please visit her, and sign the guest book while you're there!

Here they are...

Bear and Louie!
Bear and Louie
Bear lives with mom's friend, Sherry.
Little Louie likes to come over and hang with his big buddy!

Besides waking up his humans, Bear loves to keep his mom on her toes.
He loves to steal the remote control and change channels when no one is looking!
He also runs away with dishtowels or dust rags and thinks that mom's check book tastes pretty good!
The #1 favorite activity for Bear is to get his face around toilet paper and kleenex.
Mom has to keep the wastebaskets and toilet paper far out of reach.

Hanging outdoors is one of Bear's favorite things to do.
He hangs out with Dad or just lays in the yard,
sniffing the fresh air until someone throws his toys for him!

"My, what big bowls you have!"

When Louie comes to visit, he likes to play outside, and zoom through the grass.
He loves to drag Bear's toys around and snuggle up to his best buddy!

RJ and Pumba

RJ and Pumba

Rusty Jordan (aka RJ) is six years old and loves to shake hands and give high fives. He is a true gentleman!

His brother Pumba just turned five and still thinks he's a puppy. His favorite pastime is stealing his dad's socks or slippers and proudly displaying his stolen goods! He just loved being cuddled.

They have their very own web pages, so click on their photo see more adorable pictures and to read all about these rambunctious Rottweilers!



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