win my awards!

Dog's Rambunctious Tabby Award

view the winners!

Dog's Clever Cat Award

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This award was inspired by a wonderful site called
Reflections of Bo.
If you have made a loving tribute to your best friend or have a site that supports animal causes, please apply for this award!
Heart of Gold Award

view the winners!

If you answer meow (that's yes in tabby talk!) to the following questions, please apply for my Rambunctious Tabby Award below.

  • Is your site pet related?
  • Are your pages children and animal friendly?
  • Will you provide a link back to Dog the cat?
  • Do you think I'm cute? (I had to throw that in for brownie points!)

Because there are so many excellent pet sites around, I can only consider the ones with substantial content. (no links only sites)

My Clever Cat Award will be given out to sites I see while pawing around the net. I love a little humor, so this award will be given to pages that make me laugh, giggle, or just plain grin!
You can also win this award by making a submission to my Cat/Human Translation Page.
Please be sure to sign my guestbook before you leave, so that I can find my way to your cyber home!

If you've already won my award, and would like one of the new versions, please contact me.

Please enter a short description of your site:

Your name:

Site URL:

Your e-mail address:

Award you are applying for: (Rambunctious Tabby or Heart of Gold):

Have you been a courteous kitty and signed my guest book?

If you have trouble using this form, please Email me


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